I'm a senior computer engineering student at Bogazici University. This semester I will log my weekly efforts on this wiki page.
Week 1
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
1h40 |
Meeting |
Typing, editing and uploading of the meeting notes |
40m |
Documentation |
Get familiar with Markdown syntax |
20m |
Research |
Searching for GitHub repositories |
35m |
Research |
Week 2
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
2 hours |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes |
50m |
Documentation |
Creating a document for the customer meeting |
45m |
Documentation |
Writing questions for the customer meeting |
40m |
Documentation |
Week 3
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
1h40m |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes |
40m |
Documentation |
Preparing a user scenario and mockup with my peers as a subgroup |
3h30m |
Task |
Documenting Requirements - Part 1 |
3h |
Documentation |
Week 4
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting (PS) |
1h40m |
Meeting |
Correcting some requirements, adding references to the requirements as Acceptance Criteria |
5m |
Documentation |
Week 5
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting (PS) |
1h50m |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes |
50m |
Documentation |
Working on the Class Diagram #90, #91 and #100
3h10m |
Meeting, Task |
Working on the Use Case Diagram #107
4h10m |
Meeting, Task |
Reviewed some of my peers' issues |
20m |
Task |
Week 6
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attended the meeting (PS) |
1h30m |
Meeting |
Attended the meeting for Milestone report 1 |
1h10m |
Meeting |
Taking notes and uploading them #142
1h |
Documentation, Task |
Sequence diagram: follow user #132
2h |
Task |
Preparing RAM for the Milestone 1 Report #141
3h |
Task |
Reviewed some of my peers' issues: #109, #137
30m |
Task |
Wrote down the summary of work done by me #143
1h40m |
Documentation |
Week 7 - Practice App
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attended the meetings on May 16 and May 19 |
5h |
Meeting |
Deploying the practice app on my computer and setting up the required tools |
2h |
Task |
Uploading meeting notes to the Wiki |
2h |
Documentation |
Writing API Methods for the practice app |
3h |
Task |
Week 1
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
1h |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #291
50m |
Documentation |
Revising the use case diagram #292
1h30m |
Task |
Reviewing some of my peers' issues #281
20m |
Task |
Week 2
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
1h |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #325
50m |
Documentation |
Practice React #319
4h |
Practice |
Week 3
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the meeting |
3h |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #326
50m |
Documentation |
Week 4
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attend the team meetings |
3h |
Meeting |
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #400
50m |
Documentation |
Implement Profile Page for Frontend
5h |
Implementation |
Project plan #458
2h |
Documentation |
Meeting for deployment #426
1h |
Meeting |
Review code and issues |
30m |
Task |
Week 5
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Evaluation of tools for Milestone 1 Group report #484
2h |
Documentation |
Week 6
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Learn ReactJS |
4h |
Learning |
Practice Material UI |
5h |
Learning |
Week 7
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Read documentation on ReactJS |
1.5h |
Learning |
Implement Contents page #525
9h |
Coding |
Frontend meeting on 21.11.2022 |
1h |
Meeting |
Week 8
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attended PS and meeting #559
3h |
Meeting |
Week 9
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Attended PS and meeting |
3h |
Meeting |
Re-implementation of Contents page with API calls and Discussion component Issue #589 PR#588
15h |
Coding |
Reviewing other members' tasks and PR's #578, #579, #581, #637, PR#636
3h |
Review |
Meeting with @kadirgokhann for the Milestone 2 Customer Demo #580
1.5 h |
Meeting |
Week 10
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Customer Milestone 2 presentation and group meeting |
3h |
Meeting |
Create outline for Milestone 2 reports #651
2h |
Documentation |
Individual report #649
1.5h |
Documentation |
UI/UX Web and Annotations part of Milestone 2 Group report #648
2h |
Documentation |
Reviewing PR# 654
5m |
Review |
Week 11
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Implementing Resources |
20h |
Coding |
Create resource, users, data |
4h |
Task |
Week 12
Task |
Duration |
Type |
Milestone 3 customer presentation (preparation and demo) |
2h |
Presentation |
Milestone 3: Group report contribution |
2.5h |
Documentation |
Milestone 3: Individual report contribution |
1.5h |
Documentation |