Ece Sarkın - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

About me

A picture of me

I'm a senior computer engineering student at Bogazici University. This semester I will log my weekly efforts on this wiki page.

Contact information

E-mail [email protected]
GitHub user name ecesrkn

CmpE 352 Weekly effort

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 1h40 Meeting
Typing, editing and uploading of the meeting notes 40m Documentation
Get familiar with Markdown syntax 20m Research
Searching for GitHub repositories 35m Research
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 2 hours Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes 50m Documentation
Creating a document for the customer meeting 45m Documentation
Writing questions for the customer meeting 40m Documentation
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 1h40m Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes 40m Documentation
Preparing a user scenario and mockup with my peers as a subgroup 3h30m Task
Documenting Requirements - Part 1 3h Documentation
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting (PS) 1h40m Meeting
Correcting some requirements, adding references to the requirements as Acceptance Criteria 5m Documentation
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting (PS) 1h50m Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes 50m Documentation
Working on the Class Diagram #90, #91 and #100 3h10m Meeting, Task
Working on the Use Case Diagram #107 4h10m Meeting, Task
Reviewed some of my peers' issues 20m Task
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended the meeting (PS) 1h30m Meeting
Attended the meeting for Milestone report 1 1h10m Meeting
Taking notes and uploading them #142 1h Documentation, Task
Sequence diagram: follow user #132 2h Task
Preparing RAM for the Milestone 1 Report #141 3h Task
Reviewed some of my peers' issues: #109, #137 30m Task
Wrote down the summary of work done by me #143 1h40m Documentation
Week 7 - Practice App
Task Duration Type
Attended the meetings on May 16 and May 19 5h Meeting
Deploying the practice app on my computer and setting up the required tools 2h Task
Uploading meeting notes to the Wiki 2h Documentation
Writing API Methods for the practice app 3h Task

CmpE 451 Weekly effort

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 1h Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #291 50m Documentation
Revising the use case diagram #292 1h30m Task
Reviewing some of my peers' issues #281 20m Task
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 1h Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #325 50m Documentation
Practice React #319 4h Practice
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attend the meeting 3h Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #326 50m Documentation
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attend the team meetings 3h Meeting
Typing, editing, and uploading of the meeting notes #400 50m Documentation
Implement Profile Page for Frontend 5h Implementation
Project plan #458 2h Documentation
Meeting for deployment #426 1h Meeting
Review code and issues 30m Task
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Evaluation of tools for Milestone 1 Group report #484 2h Documentation
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Learn ReactJS 4h Learning
Practice Material UI 5h Learning
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Read documentation on ReactJS 1.5h Learning
Implement Contents page #525 9h Coding
Frontend meeting on 21.11.2022 1h Meeting
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended PS and meeting #559 3h Meeting
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Attended PS and meeting 3h Meeting
Re-implementation of Contents page with API calls and Discussion component Issue #589 PR#588 15h Coding
Reviewing other members' tasks and PR's #578, #579, #581, #637, PR#636 3h Review
Meeting with @kadirgokhann for the Milestone 2 Customer Demo #580 1.5 h Meeting
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Customer Milestone 2 presentation and group meeting 3h Meeting
Create outline for Milestone 2 reports #651 2h Documentation
Individual report #649 1.5h Documentation
UI/UX Web and Annotations part of Milestone 2 Group report #648 2h Documentation
Reviewing PR# 654 5m Review
Week 11
Task Duration Type
Implementing Resources 20h Coding
Create resource, users, data 4h Task
Week 12
Task Duration Type
Milestone 3 customer presentation (preparation and demo) 2h Presentation
Milestone 3: Group report contribution 2.5h Documentation
Milestone 3: Individual report contribution 1.5h Documentation
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