Frontend: Content page |
#589 |
Frontend: New Aws Account |
#576 |
Frontend: Resource page |
#813 |
Frontend: Resource improvements on Discussion and Upvote functionality |
#814 |
Frontend: Resource, upvote |
#815 |
Frontend: Resource, Notes |
#816 |
Frontend: Resource, edit page |
#817 |
Add data to the database for final presentation |
#818 |
Frontend: Resource, note, bugfix |
#872 |
Frontend: UI/UX and Scenario for Milestone 3 |
#962 |
Frontend: Contents page implementation (type: text) (static) |
#525 |
Frontend: Report of Group Meeting 28.11.2022 |
#559 |
Frontend: Content page |
#589 |
Frontend: Extra Meeting |
#580 |
Upload meeting notes #10 |
#291 |
Upload meeting notes #11 |
#325 |
Upload meeting notes #12 |
#326 |
Upload meeting notes #13 |
#400 |
Organize meeting notes links |
#293 |
Learn and practice React |
#319 |
Create outline for the Customer Milestone 1 report |
#401 |
Individual contribution to Customer Milestone report 1 |
#402 |
Frontend - Profile Page implementation |
#450 |
Frontend - Project plan |
#458 |
Evaluation of tools and processes: Github, Discord, WhatsApp, and React.js |
#484 |
Individual contribution to group report (Customer Milestone 1) |
#485 |