Customer Milestone 1 - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki
Class diagram
Use case diagram
Sequence diagrams
User mode
Guest mode
Teacher mode
Project Plan for Android Team
Project Plan for Backend Team
Project Plan for Frontend Team
Osman Fehmi ALBAYRAK
Member: Osman Fehmi Albayrak, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I was responsible for reviewing and updating the Class Diagram of our application. Also, I am in the android sub-group, therefore, I was responsible for implementation of the android app with my team. Furthermore, I prepared a project plan for the android team, kept track of it and updated through the development process. Other than these, I was responsible for reviewing others issues and helping them.
Main Contributions: I have created a Kotlin Project and pushed to our android branch. We followed that structure and updated it as needed. I have implemented a swipe view for the team, so this component can be used in other pages. Also implemented a Landing Page which gives general idea about fundamental features of our app. I have reviewed and updated the UML Class Diagram of the app. Prepared a project plan for android team.
- Implementing an initial Landing Page: Issue #339
- Implementing a swipe view for Landing Page and others: Issue #391
- Integrating the swipe view into the Landing Page: Issue #393
- Reviewing the Class Diagram: Issue #290
- Initializing and Structuring Project File: Issue #341
- Preparing the Project Plan for the Android Team: Issue #441
- Deliverable folder created and merged to the Master: Issue #448
- Updating Scenario & Mockups for Android: Issue #443
Pull Requests:
- Prepared deliverables file: PR #447
- Initial setup and the Landing Page: PR #337
- Helped initial design of sign in and sign up pages: PR #353
Additional Information: We had meetings constantly with the android team and helped each other a lot during the development.
Mustafa ATAY
Member: Mustafa Atay, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I was responsible for creating the initial Django project. I took responsibility for dockerization. I organized the file structure so that all teams could work together. Also, I was responsible for updating the fundamental features page. I added some selected Udemy courses to the group's Udemy account. Moreover, I prepared the project plan for backend team and API documentation.
Main Contributions: I have made further contributions while initializing the project. I dockerized the backend project. I took a role while selecting the tech stack we will use as a team. Moreover, I updated the fundamental features page, added Udemy courses to our group account, and prepared project plan and API documentation.
- Dockerization and Deployment into AWS EC2:
- Initialization of project:
- Organizing file structure:
- Checking and updating fundamental features page:
- Adding courses to Udemy account:
- Preparing project plan:
- Preparing API documentation:
Pull Requests:
- Organize The Folder Structure :
Additional Information: I had been working on this project and fulfilling my responsibilities as expected since the beginning of the class. I took further responsibility while creating initial Django project and application. However, I had a family-related urgency last week of the Milestone 1 deadline (27.10.2022 - 30.10.2022) and had to return to my family house. Unfortunately, I couldn't contribute a lot during that period.
Member: Harun ERKURT, Group1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I Defined sdk version, android studio version and creating the first project from template. I defined new branches name and creating new branches to speed up the development process and develop more stable codes. I created 3 new branches for this: android_main, android_test, and android_dev. I have dealt with Scenario & Mockups creating the Scenario and Mockup slides with my teammate Ömer Özdemir, Ahmet Yazıcı. I have also designed the sign-in page of the app, I have designed the login page, By assigning the token I received from the backend to a global value, I ensured that the user was logged in or not. I also took part in the reviewing process for some of my teammates’ pull requests and issues. I introduced retrofit library for our use from now on for api requests with Ömer Özdemir. I participated in writing the android mockup scenario for milestone 1.
Main Contributions: Determining which tools to use while doing the project. I have implemented the xml and activity file of sign-in page, found example png files on google and put on drawables. I enabled the user to login by sending a request to the back-end. I have reviewed and merged several files, made several pull requests for my own changes. I also bugfixed my friends code, solved the errors. I defined new branches name and creating new branches to speed up the development process and develop more stable codes.
- Collaborative Work on Android Studio
- Creating the Project
- Creating Sign-in Page
- Backend Connection and New Design for Signin Page
- Learning Android Studio and Kotlin
- Defining and Creating New Branches
- Meeting with the Android team for milestone1
- Group meeting with the Android Team
- Preparation of milestone 1
Pull Requests:
Additional Information: I have assumed several roles on top of my own to implement and bugfix several pages of my friends. I helped to improve the designs, and codes. Checked other developer teams apps to get ideas and use on our project. I gave ideas to the backend team for endpoints. I did research on the use of git and github in project development and determined the code development process of the whole group on github.
Kadir Kalkan
Member: Kadir Kalkan, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I was responsible for learning how to use Django and dockerize the Django application. After the learning process, my task was dockerizing the Django application. Additionally, I was responsible to learn Django Rest Framework. Besides, one of my tasks was to find a tutorial to implement login, logout, and register functionalities.
Main Contributions: Following this tutorial, I learned how to construct a Django application and developed a basic Django application. I then dockerized this application. I built a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file to dockerize the Django application. Then I presented the dockerized application to my teammates and then we decided to deploy this version of the project. After the dockerization and deployment process to connect the backend to the frontend and android, we decided to use Django Rest Framework. It was my responsibility to add the rest API feature to our application. I have learned how to use the Django Rest Framework and added this feature to our application. After that, we decided to push our project to Github. I created a new Django application with proper application and project names. Then dockerized this application and added the Rest Framework feature. Then we pushed this project to Github. Finally, we had to create login, logout, and register functionalities for our application. For that purpose, we first needed to learn how to implement these functionalities. I searched and tried lots of tutorials to implement these functionalities. Finally, I found this tutorial and suggested to the backend team to follow this tutorial. We followed this tutorial and implemented login, logout, and register functionalities.
- Dockerization of application:
- Adding Rest Framework feature to the application :
- Learning Django:
- Implementing register functionality:
- Reviewing the project briefing page:
- Creating an Issue Template:
- Deciding which library to use to implement register, login and logout functionalities:
Pull Requests:
- After Implementing register functionality changing some paramater names:
- Individual Contribution report is added:
Hüseyin Seyyid KAPLAN
Member: Hüseyin Seyyid KAPLAN, Group1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
- Learning how to use React.js
- Designing and implementing authentication pages: signin and signup
- Showing the structure and how to install our authentication pages to teammates
- Reviewing the changes that are made by my teammates
Main Contributions:
- Determining which tools to use while doing the project.
- I have implemented authentication pages for our learning space.
- I enabled the user to login by sending a request to the back-end.
- I opened issues for my progress and tasks, made pull request for my own changes.
- I also solved the conflicts while merging two branches.
- I opened new branch to develop more stable codes.
- I added label to ease opening an issue.
- I met with my teammates to show up my changes on code several times.
- Creating an Authentication Page with React.js
- Reorganizing Code Structure According to Last Changes
- Checking the Pull Request of react-authentication-page
- Request to use Issue Panel
- Permission Request for Pushing Commits to GitHub
- We need a label named 'Meeting'
- Reviewing the Issues
Pull Requests:
Additional Information: I had some problems because I participated this group newly and also I had health issues during last 3 weeks. I came from behind of my teammates and I may caused some lack of communication issues. So, to prevent this I took the communication responsibility behalf of frontend team both in teammate's issues and other teams' (android, backend) issues in our project group.
Kamil Korkut
Member: Kamil Korkut, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
- I was responsible for implementing form validations for sign-in and sign-up pages.
- I was responsible for designing and implementing the forgot password page.
- I was responsible for reviewing issues.
Main Contributions:
- I have implemented form validations to sing-in and sign-up pages.
- I have designed and implemented the forgot password page.
- I have reviewed some issues.
Pull Requests:
- React authentication page PR #395 (This is Hüseyin’s pull request, but I have worked on his branch so I could not open a pull request. But my work is here.)
Member: Ömer Özdemir, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
- I was responsible for designing sign-up page.
- I was responsible for setting up group meetings with Android team members.
- I was responsible for reviewing my team member's work.
- I was responsible for distribution of the work to be done each member. (sign-up,login,landing page,home page etc.)
Main Contributions:
- I have implemented sign-up page for Android.
- I introduced retrofit library for our use from now on for api requests.
- I introduced nice front-end designs to the team for our own use from now on.
- I introduced model-service-view pattern into our android repository.
- I participated in writing the android mockup scenario for milestone 1.
- I participated into the all group meetings both Android and overall team.
- I reviewed my team member's work.
- I solved my team member's problems that they encounter in Android Studio.
- I introduced Android label to our repository.
- Final design of sign-up page:
- Android Sign-up page - Message disappears after 2000ms:
- Android Sign-up page back-end connection:
- Sign-in and Sign-up pages for Android Application:
- Review of requirements:
- User requirements is reviewed. :
- Glossary and Requirements for is reviewed.:
- Review of Semantic Search, Fundamental Features of the Project and Project Libre File:
- Meeting with the Android team:
- Initialization of Android Studio:
- Android label:
- Meeting with the Android team for milestone1:
- Android group meeting:
Pull Requests:
- Budemi android main:
- Bug fix for user logout (user_token is set to "") :
- Milestone1 individual .md files are added :
Member: Ece Sarkın, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
- I was responsible for sharing meeting notes with my team.
- I was responsible for designing and implementing the profile page on Web.
- I was responsible for creating Milestone 1 report outline.
- I was responsible for creating the project plan for the Front-end team. I have attended Lectures, Problem Sessions, all the team meetings and frontend team meetings.
Main Contributions:
- I have uploaded each week's meeting notes on our Wiki.
- I have designed and implemented the profile page of the Web application.
- I have created an outline for Customer Milestone 1 report.
- I have revised last semester's Use case diagram.
- I have reviewed my friends' issues.
- Profile page: #450
- Review Use case #292
- Meeting notes #291, #325, #326, #400
- Frontend project plan #458
- Customer Milestone 1 report outline #401
Pull Requests:
- Profile page PR #449
Kadir Gökhan SEZER
- I was responsible for designing homepage page.
- I was responsible for deployment of the project.
- I was responsible for reviewing my team member's work.
- I was responsible for distribution of the work to be done each member.
- I was responsible to help my team if they needed.
- I was responsible to follow what the rest of the team has done.
Main Contributions:
- I have implemented home-page for Web.
- I struggled with understanding the login and sign up part. I fixed them.
- I made the api connections of the login,logout,register and sign up pages.
- I did research to show my teammates beautiful website designs.
- I compared website designs and chose the most suitable one with my group friends.
- I participated into the all group meetings both Frontend and overall team.
- I built the Reactjs project structure. I designed the folder structure. I adjusted the project accordingly.
- I also handled the token based system.
- I reviewed my team member's work.
- I helped my friends with reactjs. I helped them when they had problems.
- I introduced Frontend,Android and Backend label to our repository.
- I created the profile page. When I log in, I set it to go to the profile page with that token. With that token, I set it to logout and go to the homepage again. I set the profile page checking for the existence of the token. Ece filled out the profile part.
- I made the necessary preparations for the deployment part. I worked it from this site. I asked my friends to fulfill their responsibilities. I waited for them to do it. If they won't, I told them to tell me that I would do the deployment part accordingly. There was no answer. I wrote the Dockerfile. @Ege did the deployment part. During this process, we had these problems because of my teammates not helping us.
- Know-how about Docker:
- React Learning :
- Frontend: NPM:
- Frontend: ReactJS Folder Structure:
- Frontend: Usage of Mui:
- Frontend: Sync with the Huseyyin Seyyid:
- Frontend: What is API over ReactJS?:
- Frontend: Onclick funtion over href:
- Frontend: How to run react on other parts:
- Frontend: Create temporary logo:
- Frontend: Domain of the project:
- Frontend: What is CSS?:
- Frontend: Homepage template:
- Frontend: API iplementations of sign-up and sign-in pages:
- Frontend: for the v0.2, needs :
- Frontend: Group meeting:
- Frontend: Forgot password:
- Frontend: Content of the Homepage:
- Frontend: Profile Page:
- Frontend: Token on local storage:
- Frontend: Logout page:
- Frontend: with the help of @egetaga, Dockerfile:
- Frontend: Data structure of webpage:
- Frontend: Final version:
- Group work distribution:
- Adding Labels:
- Checking group members:
- Reviewing GDPR Rules:
- Reviewing KVKK Rules:
- Correcting the ambiguity on the issue:
- Reviewing Contribution Plan:
- Reviewing Homepage:
- Outcomes of the meeting on 11.10.2022:
- Frontend Team Meeting:
- We need labels like Frontend,Backend, etc.:
- Group mail:
- Issue Template V2:
- Meeting with the team:
- Review of requirements:
- User requirements is reviewed. :
- Glossary and Requirements for is reviewed.:
Pull Requests: ** I created the frontend-v0.2 branch. The whole project is based on that brach. All of the team worked on that.
- 0.1.0-alpha #475:
Ege Onur TAĞA
Member: Ege Onur Tağa, Group 1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I was responsible for the dockerization and deployment for the OLP. Moreover, I have implemented login, logout, change-password functionalities, together with writing test cases for register, login and logout. Also, I was responsible for editing glossary and requirement pages. Additonally, I was responsible for presentation slides and also preparing the scenarios for the customer meeting.
Main Contributions: I have implemented login, logout and change password functionalities. Moreover, I dockerized the backend project and deployed into AWS EC2 instance. Additionally I prepared a presentation and a scenario for the customer meeting. Another important thing I did is to edit the glossary and requirements for the project. Moreover, I reviewed and edited the semantic searching page.
- Dockerization and Deployment into AWS EC2:
- Implementing login, logout and change-password functionalities:
- Implementing unit tests for register, login and logout:
- Learning Django:
- Checking and updating Glossary and Requirements:
- Reviewing Semantic Search Page:
- Preparing a presentation and scenarios for Milestone 1 Customer Meeting:
- Editing authentication related requirements slightly:
Pull Requests:
- Backend-dev Login, logout and change password functionalities:
- Added test cases for login, logout and register:
- Adding the latest Docker files for AWS EC2 deployment:
- Merging Backend-Development into master
- Adding communicator in parentheses next to me:
Additional Information: Although initially not my responsibility, I had taken more roles than assumed in the implementation and in the deployment parts. I should have been responsible for deployment and a one back-end functionality only. Yet, since one of our friends in the backend team had a family related urgency, I had assumed most of the implementation parts. Moreover, we couldn't implement the e-mail authentication part of the backend, because we had shortage of people. We will be implementing it from now on.
Member: Ahmet Cemil YAZICI, Group1, Online Learning Project (OLP), Personal Page
Responsibilities: I have dealt with Scenario & Mockups creating the Scenario and Mockup slides with my teammate Ömer Özdemir, Harun Erkurt. I have also designed the homepage of the app, I have designed the main page, changed the visibility of the buttons according to user token which is responsible for checking if the user is logged or guest. I also took part in the reviewing process for some of my teammates’ pull requests and issues.
Main Contributions: I have implemented the xml and activity file of main page, found example png files on google and put on drawables. Used images for example main page and image buttons. I have also checked if user is logged or not and set visibility accordingly. I have reviewed and merged several files, made several pull requests for my own changes. I also bugfixed my friends code, solved the unexpected errors.
- Collaborative Work on Android Studio
- Initial Homepage Commits
- View Binding Decision
- Buttons for Homepage
- Visibility Change on Guest
- Sequence Diagram Revisions
- Android Team Meeting
- Modifying Requirements
- Creating Individual Report Template for Milestone 1
- Scenario & Mockups
Pull Requests:
- First Pull for Homepage
- Buttons added on Homepage
- Finalized Budemi Android Team
- Creating a Fresh Branch for Working Code
- Deleting Android from Master Because of an Error
Additional Information: I have assumed several roles on top of my own to implement and bugfix several pages of my friends. Also helped to improve the designs, and codes. Checked other developer teams apps to get ideas and use on our project.