Ahmet Yazici - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki

Who am I?

I am a 4th grade computer engineering student from Bogazici University / Istanbul. I will be adding what i am doing for Cmpe352,Cmpe451 courses to this wiki regularly.

What am i interested in, would like to do in the future?

I am interested in machine learning / deep learning and would like to use these specialities in my data analysis career.

What do i do in my free time?

I mostly spend my time outside with friend, i also love playing computer games and paleontology.

Contact Information

CMPE 352 Weekly Work

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attended our first meeting. Discussed about the meeting time and place, decided to open a discord page for group. 2h Meeting
Edited this personal page, added personal information. 30m Documentation
Researched for Github repositories. 1h Research
Researched how to use git and its repositories. 20m Research

Weekly Effort:

  • Me and my team made our first group meeting in wednesday and created our first issues on what to do in terms of wiki pages, how to communicate, when to meet. I have done my research, finished editing my personal wiki page and assignment.
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended our second meeting. Reviewed our past issues and the new project. 2h Meeting
Attended class and ps 4h Lecture
Researched some keywords for project. 1h Research
Reading project 1 and thinking over it. 20m Research

Weekly Effort:

  • We did our second meeting and rewieved the project and did some task sharing for researchs.
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended our third meeting. Reviewed our past issues and customer questions. 2h Meeting
Attended class and ps 4h Lecture
Researched w3c annotation. 1h Research
Reading and understanding the new paper given by professor. 20m Research

Weekly Effort:

  • We have discussed the new paper sent my professor and gave research tasks over some keywords on project 1.
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s for meeting. 2h Meeting
Attended class and ps 2h Lecture
Summarized w3c annotation 1h Study

Weekly Effort:

  • We have attended ps session for meeting and asked questions about scenarios.
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture
Studying UML 1h Study

Weekly Effort:

  • We have attended ps session for meeting and i have checked what uml is.
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture
Made a Class Diagram and a Use Case Diagram 4h Study

Weekly Effort:

  • We have attended ps session for meeting and me and my teammates wrote class diagrams and use case diagrams as asked by professor.
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture
Made a use case diagram, a class diagram, a sequence diagram, and wrote Project Plan 6h Study & Research

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended weekly meeting, met for 4 different meetings for sequence diagram, project plan, class diagram, use case diagram.
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture

Weekly Effort:

  • We did not have meeting, just listened to lecture and p.s .
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture

Weekly Effort:

  • We did not have meeting, just listened to lecture and p.s .
Week 10


Week 11
Task Duration Type
Attended p.s 2h Meeting
Attended class 2h Lecture
Research over the milestone 2 2h Research
I have worked on milestone 2 teacher_add_course part, i have created html files of student and teacher, view files of student and teacher, and teacher add course function. This took a lot of time considering the new templates i learned. 20h Coding, Studying

Weekly Effort:

  • A lot of studying and research took place this week for milestone 2.

CMPE 451 Weekly Work

Week 1
Task Duration Type
Attended our first meeting. Discussed about the meeting time and place, decided to keep the discord page from last semester. 2h Meeting
Edited this personal page, added personal information. 10m Documentation

Weekly Effort:

  • Me and my team made our first group meeting for Cmpe 451 in lab session tuesday, planned the path for this semester.
Week 2
Task Duration Type
Attended our second meeting, we distributed tasks and specialized. I took on mobile development part. 2h Meeting
Edited this personal page. 10m Documentation
Reviewed meeting notes and took initiative. 10m Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Took on mobile development part and installed necessarry programs on my pc.
Week 3
Task Duration Type
Attended our third meeting, we have decided on how to proceed 2h Meeting
Edited this personal page. 10m Documentation
Reviewed meeting notes and took initiative. 10m Review

Weekly Effort:

  • We have made several initiative work on android project.
Week 4
Task Duration Type
Attended our fourth meeting, to prepare milestone 1 report 8h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 10h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • We have finished the Android part of the milestone 1.
Week 5
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 4h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended P.S and Lecture.
Week 6
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 4h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended P.S and Lecture.
Week 7
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 4h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended P.S and Lecture.
Week 8
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 4h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended P.S and Lecture.
Week 9
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 4h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended P.S and Lecture.
Week 10
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Coding and Management for Android Team. 8h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Attended team meeting and subgroup android meeting.
Week 11
Task Duration Type
Lecture and P.S 4h Meeting
Finished and presented the final project as android team. 8h Review

Weekly Effort:

  • Finished the project only final milestone report remains.
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