Ömer Özdemir - bounswe/bounswe2022group1 GitHub Wiki
I'm a student at Computer Engineering Department of Bogazici University.
You can use [email protected] for contact.
- C
- C++
- Java
- Python
Week 1
- I attended the first group meeting on zoom. (Duration: 2 hour, Type: Communication)<\b>
The zoom took roughly 2 hours. We went over first week's assignment and get used to github. <\pre>
I have created my wiki page and filled it with my contact info, my skills. Then, I have added "CMPE 352 Weekly Work" header to demonstrate my weekly contribution for my group. So, "CMPE 352 Weekly Work" will updated each week accordingly. @Credit to our team member Elif Akalın for the inspiration of CMPE 352 Weekly Work Design <\pre>
Priority-Critical Type-Defect Type-Enhancement Type-Review Type-Task @Credit to bounswe2015group5 <\pre>
High Priority --> Priority-High Medium Priority --> Priority-Medium Low Priority --> Priority-Low @Credit to bounswe2015group5 <\pre>
I have found a nice template from one of the previous groups. I have modified our first meeting's report according to that template. Then, opened an issue to see suggestion/reaction of my team members. @Credit to bounswe2015group5 <\pre>
I have added it since knowing data structures and algorithms well improves the programming skills, writing such a clean code increases the readability, which helps all of us to understand another team member's code without an issue. <\pre>
Our team member Ege Onur Tağa shared us a video and first week's assignment was also suggesting a video. I have watched both of them to understand how github works. They were really helpfull for me. <\pre>
Week 2
The zoom took roughly 2 hours. We went over the project, closed some open issues, decided on what issues should be opened. <\pre>
I determined what research topics should be and what pages should be created etc. Also, I opened an issue for it. Final version of what I have done can be seen in that issue. <\pre>
There was an issue for me given by Ece Sarkın. Therefore, I prepared 8 questions to be asked to the customer of our project. <\pre>
We met with Mustafa Atay at the school and read the project line by line. Then, we wrote what is needed for the project. Click for the related issue. <\pre>
I talked to Mustafa Atay on the phone and decided to meeting time, what we will do etc. <\pre>
I studied the following two slides in order to get a perspective about how to our project. "Introduction and Overview of Software Engineering" Click for the related issue "Lifecycles and Introduction to Requirements" Click for the related issue <\pre>
Week 3
We had questions that were prepared according to the issue. Therefore, we met with the customer and got answers for our questions. <\pre>
By the help some various websites like wikipedia and w3.org, I modified our semantic search page. Click for after and before of the page and related issue <\pre>
Previous version of the navigator is the followingCurrent version of the navigator after the improvement is the following
I studied the following two slides in order to get a perspective about how to our project. "Requirement Specification and Validation" Click for the related issue <\pre>
Related issue <\pre>
Related issue <\pre>
Apart from creating communication channels, I realized some of the items are missing in the guest user under requirements. So, I added them in order to make it compatible with our guest user scenario and mockup. <\pre>
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Task | Duration | Type |
Attended the PS. | 2h | Meeting |
Studied Django and Python libraries for practice app | 4h | Task |
Studied for the course content. | 2h | Task |
Attend to the practice.app meeting with team members. | 2h | Task |
Week 8
Task | Duration | Type |
Attended the PS. | 2h | Meeting |
Implemented practice.app | 5 days | Task |
Studied for the course content. | 2h | Task |
Learned how to use External API, get and post methods | 2h | Task |
Week1: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week1: Participated to Meeting #10
Week1: Review of Mustafa Atay's work
Week1: Review of Semantic Search, Fundamental Features of the Project and Project Libre File
Week1: Creating Android Label
Week2: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week2: Participated to Meeting #11
Week2: Meeting with the Android team
Week2: Initialization of Android Studio
Week3: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week3: Participated to Meeting #12
Week3: Sign-in and Sign-up pages for Android Application
Week3: Sign up page for Android App
Week4: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week4: Participated to Meeting #13
Week4: Review of Mustafa Atay's work
Week4: Review of Pull-request of Mustafa's work
Week4: Review of Pull-request of Osman's work
Week4: Review of Ahmet's work
Week4: Review of Sync of Android app
Week4: Meeting with the Android team for milestone1
Week4: Android Studio gradle not working
Week4: Final design of sign-up page for Android
Week5: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week5: Android sign-up page is connected to the backend
Week5: Meeting with the Android team
Week5: Another Meeting with the Android team
Week5: Making textview disappear after 2000ms
Week5: Studying Kotlin Fundamentals - Ömer Özdemir
Week5: Studying Kotlin Retrofit- Ömer Özdemir
Week5: Studying Kotlin Retrofit- Ömer Özdemir
Week5: Studying Kenny Catch Game Kotlin - Ömer Özdemir
Week5: Studying OOP Kotlin - Ömer Özdemir
Week5: Bug fix for user logout page. (user_token is set to "")
Week5: Milestone .md files are added)
Week5: Android mockup and scenario for milestone1
Week5: Adding Individual Report into the Customer Milestone 1 wiki
Week6: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week6: Milestone 2 objectives for the Android team
Week7: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week7: Android meeting 20.11.2022
Week7: Reviewing Osman's Work (The navigation bar)
Week7: Design of second phase of learning space
Week7: Design of third phase of learning space
Week8: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week8 : Bug Fix for profile page
Week8 : Android meeting
Week8: Meeting with Android team
Week9: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week9: Leave Button Functionality is implemented
Week9: Meeting for milestone2 back-end connection
Week9: Add Content functionality is implemented
Week9: Add Content design is implemented.
Week9: Android API Infrastructure for back-end APIs
Week9: Learning Space Stage 3 functionality is fully implemented.
Week9: Learning Space Stage 2 Functionality is implemented.
Week9: Meeting with Back-end Team
Week9: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week9: Api connection for GetContent, AddContent and Enroll is made.
Week9: Learning Space Add Content is done.
Week9: learningSpace2, topic click lands content page
Week9: API connection for various endpoints is done.
Week9: New back-end connections for android and some bug fixes.
Week9: Discussion is fully completed. Some design changes for learning space is made
Week9: Some design changes for add content
Week9: Budemi android version for milestone 2 is completed.
Week9: Milestone2 and Milestone3 folders were missing. Pull-request.
Week10: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week10: Group Review and UI/UX Android for Milestone2.
Week10: Android: Header Authorization Parameter
Week10: Introducing Jetpack library for Android app
Week10: Jetpack Configuration for Android #PR
Week10: Objectives for Android Team until Milestone3
Week10: New Button design and some configuration changes
Week10: Design improvement for Android
Week11: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week11: Learning Space Resource and Members new design
Week11: Learning Space Menu is created.
Week11: Add Favorite functionality is needed.
Week11: Upvote and Unvote functionality is needed.
Week11: Edit resource functionality is needed.
Week11: Taking notes functionality is needed.
Week11: Review of Osman's PR#703
Week11: Redesign of profile page
Week11: Sign-in and Sign-up design changes are made
Week11: Review of Osman's PR#710
Week11: Profile page enrolled learning spaces is seen
Week11: Bug fix for sign-up and forgot-password pages
Week11: Resource page new design is introduced.
Week11: Found Bug in back-end for profile page
Week11: Reviewing Mustafa's Issue
Week11: Resource (Notes,Discussion,Resource,Edit) functionality is done
Week12: Attended to the PS and Group meeting.
Week12: Review Osman's Issue#702
Week12: Review Osman's Issue#709
Week12: Resize of creating discussing post
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue #731
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#732
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#733
Week12: Resource page bottom bar becomes shorter and save functionality is added
Week12: Resource listing owner and votes is shown
Week12: Review Osman's Issue#709
Week12: Review Osman's Issue#734
Week12: Add/Remove favorite is added.
Week12: Welcome to budemi text in homepage is made sliding
Week12: UI/UX improvement on resource page.
Week12: Bug fix for profile page
Week12: Markdown is supported in resource page
Week12: Profile page image back-end connection is made
Week12: Add favorite back-end connection is made
Week12: Remove favorite back-end connection is made
Week12: User from id back-end infrastructure is made
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#768
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#771
Week12: Api connection for getting all notes in resource is made
Week12: Editting note back-end connection is made
Week12: Creating a note back-end connection is made
Week12: Content edit back-end connection is made
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#775
Week12: Review of Mustafa's Issue#784
Week12: Review of Mustafa's Issue#785
Week12: Review of Osman's Issie#793
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#795
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#794
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#800
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#805
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#804
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#808
Week12: Implementation of upvote/downvote in resource page
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#767
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#772
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#773
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#778
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#799
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#807
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#806
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#811
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#842
Week12: Adding learning space of of my interest
Week12: Studying for final customer milestone
Week12: Reviewing Android app for bugs
Week12: Review of Osman's PR#864
Week12: Deliverables for Milestone3
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#841
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#847
Week12: Review of Osman's Issue#865
Week13: Milestone3: Group Review
Week13: Milestone 3: Scenario and Mockup for Android