Meeting Notes #12 - bounswe/bounswe2019group6 GitHub Wiki

Meeting Notes #12

Date: 08.10.2019

Place: Computer Engineering Building - Lounge



  1. We will think of how to update the project plan
  2. We will talk about the plans we have in the next few week.
  3. We will look through the project requirements and change them if needed.
  4. We will talk about the upgrades, specific to each team.
  5. We will talk about auth-logout flow utilizing JWT
  6. We will talk about design of deployment process for back-end
  7. We will decide on the libraries we will use on Android application and initial page implementations.


  1. We decided that system will automatically refresh users tokens periodically.
  2. We decided that we will use Docker for deployment, using pre-defined Docker file.
  3. We decided that users will login the application using their e-mail and password credientials.
  4. We decided to use Slack and Git-Issue system more actively, decreasing whats-app usage to minimum.
  5. System will use JWT tokens with a blacklist for removing tokens from use before their expire time. This might be used in either password updates or logouts.
  6. We decided to refresh user tokens without storing user password
  7. We will use Retrofit for api calls, Dagger for injection, and RxJava for flow actions.
  8. Create a flow diagram for Android showing interactions between activities.
  9. We will finish functional Login, Register, and ForgotPassword pages using the backend services.


# Assignee Action Deadline
1 Baris Ege Sevgili Implement the user follow/follower system with the backend team. 15.10.2019
2 Burak Ikan Yildiz Implement the user follow/follower system with the backend team. 15.10.2019
3 Enes Turan Ozcan Handle log-in issues discussed in the meeting 15.10.2019
4 Fatih Mustafa Kurt Finish the interface of the authentication in Android. 15.10.2019
5 Mustafa Alparslan Finish the interface of the authentication in Android. 15.10.2019
6 Baran Deniz Korkmaz Finish the interface of the authentication in Android. 15.10.2019
7 Burak Yuksel Update the project plan for the next 4 months. 15.10.2019
8 Sadullah Gultekin Update the project plan for the next 4 months. 15.10.2019
9 Irmak Guzey Update the project plan for the next 4 months. 15.10.2019
10 Burak Yuksel Finish the interface of the authentication in web frontend. 15.10.2019
11 Sadullah Gultekin Finish the interface of the authentication in wen frontend. 15.10.2019
12 Irmak Guzey Finish the interface of the authentication in web frontend. 15.10.2019