Meeting #8 - bounswe/bounswe2018group7 GitHub Wiki
:book: Details
Location | Date | Time |
Google hangouts | March 30th 2018 | 23:00 - 00:00 |
:calendar: Agenda
- Discuss the issues about Mock-Ups.
- Learn about the Test Cases.
- Study the homeworks before coming to the meeting.
:busts_in_silhouette: Contribution
- Serdar Ada
- Ramazan Arslan
- Cemal Burak Aygün
- Ferhat Melih Dal
- Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç
- Enes Koşar
- Neval Tüllük
:speech_balloon: Discussions & Outcomes
Discussed some issues about the Test Cases.
Determined a template for the Test Cases:
Test Case Template
Test ID: #
Title: Title
Designed By: Name Surname
Related Requirements: x.x.x.x
- Condition 1
- Condition 2
STEPS ACTIONS INPUT DATA EXPECTED OUTPUT ACTUAL OUTPUT RESULT 1 - - - ? ? 2 - - - ? ? 3 - - - ? ? Post-Conditions:
- Condition 1
- Condition 2
Decided to update the Web Mock-Ups according to the requirements.
Everyone is assigned to do the the Test Cases of their Sequence Diagrams.
:black_nib: Assignments
Assignee :busts_in_silhouette: | Assignment :heavy_check_mark: | Deadline :skull: |
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç | Fill Meeting #8 Notes | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç | Create Test Cases' Wiki Page | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç | Edit Post, Delete Comment Test Cases | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Neval Tüllük | Annotate, Like Test Cases | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Serdar Ada | Search Test Case | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Ramazan Arslan | Update Web Mock-Ups | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Cemal Burak Aygün | Create Comment, Create a Memory Post Test Cases | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Enes Koşar | Ban a User Test Case | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |
Ferhat Melih Dal | Sign-in, Sign-up Test Cases | March 30th (Saturday) 23:00 |