Meeting #5 - bounswe/bounswe2018group7 GitHub Wiki
:book: Details
Location | Date | Time |
Boun CmpE Student Lounge | March 5th, 2018 | 15:00 - 16:00 |
:calendar: Agenda
- Review of Project Plan.
- Review of Mockups.
- Review of Requirements.
- Review of User Scenarios an Personas.
:busts_in_silhouette: Contribution
Attended: :thumbsup:
Excused: ☝️
:speech_balloon: Discussions
- Overall status check.
- Decided to open issues by the owners of the assignments.
- Review of Requirements and discussion about some issues.
- Time can be a specific date or a time interval.
- Location can be a specific place or a path.
- Guest won't have recommendations.
- Guest will only see few posts.
- Discussion about user-scenarios and mock-ups.
- Web and Android mock-ups should be consistent with each other.
- Functionality must be the first aim not the design or colors.
:black_nib: Assignments
Assignee :busts_in_silhouette: | Assignment :heavy_check_mark: | Deadline :skull: |
All Members | Reviews and Feedbacks | March 11th (SUnday) 23:59 |
:zap: | :zap: | :zap: |
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç | Meeting 4 Notes | March 10th (Saturday) 23:59 |
Neval Tüllük & Ramazan Arslan | Mock-up Templates | March 10th (Saturday) 23:59 |
Serdar Ada & Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç | Project Plan Revision | March 10th (Saturday) 23:59 |
Enes Koşar | Wiki Up-to-date & Scenarios Revision | March 10th (Saturday) 23:59 |
Cemal Burak Aygün | Requirements Revision | March 10th (Saturday) 23:59 |