Meeting #3.1 - bounswe/bounswe2018group7 GitHub Wiki

:book: Details

Location Date Time
Google Hangouts February 24th, 2018 22:00 - 23:00

:calendar: Agenda

  • Work on Project Plan (Draft).

:busts_in_silhouette: Contribution

Attended: :thumbsup:

Excused: :point_up:

:speech_balloon: Discussions & Outcomes

  • Examined some project plans of groups from earlier years.
  • Discussed about the structure of our Project Plan.
  • Determined some main activities and their tasks.
  • Determined assignees of some activities.
  • Determined some milestones.

:black_nib: Assignments

Assignee :busts_in_silhouette: Assignment :heavy_check_mark: Deadline :skull:
Cemal Burak Aygün Extract tasks from Requirements (Version 1) and wrote them in Project Plan (Draft) under Issue#22 Feb 25th (Sunday) 10:00
Neval Tüllük & Ramazan Arslan Create Gantt Chart for Project Plan (Draft) using Project Libre Feb 25th (Sunday) 23:59
Cemal Burak Aygün Document Meeting #3.1 on Wiki Feb 25th (Sunday) 23:59