Meeting #2 - bounswe/bounswe2018group7 GitHub Wiki

:book: Details

Location Date Time
Boun CmpE Student Lounge February 12th, 2018 15:00 - 16:00

:calendar: Agenda

  • Discuss about online meetings & communication tools after some experience.
  • Discuss about the overall structure of the wiki pages.
  • Discuss Github Milestone system.
  • Discuss non-project file upload convention.
  • Discuss commit message convention.
  • Determine the state of the priority tag when the issue is status:completed.
  • HW2 discussion.

:busts_in_silhouette: Contribution

Attended: :thumbsup:

:speech_balloon: Discussions

  • Skype is decided to be the online-meetings platform.
  • The priority tag when the issue is status:completed is determined to stay unchanged.
  • Decided to reduce the repeated parts on the wiki home page and simplify it over time.
  • Decided to decrease the file sizes as much as it can be, like cropping the photos and decreasing their size.
  • Some git commit conventions are discussed and decided to make a wiki page of a commit manual.
  • Discussed about using an icon set on the page.
  • Mentioned milestone usage and determined to search and discuss again after a brief explanation.
  • Learned to opening a folder on GitHub 😄
  • Determined the non-project file upload convention to be lower case and underscored
  • Discussed about the communication plan and determined the general structure of it.
  • Discussed about W3C Annotation standarts and decided to make a manual page of it.
  • Discussed about the pros and cons about the earlier projects' requirements pages.
  • Discussed about the project description, and general requirements for this project. Every member is assigned to examine the description and identify the issues that need clarification. #requirements channel is opened in Slack to discuss this issue.
  • After all the members determine some questions, a clear list of questions will be made to be clarified by the customer on the appointment.
  • The communicator of the group is assigned to arrange an appointment with the customer.

:black_nib: Assignments

Assignee :busts_in_silhouette: Assignment :heavy_check_mark: Deadline :skull:
All Members Create Requirements Draft Feb 14th (Wednesday) 23:59
All Members Examine the description and identify the issues that need clarification Feb 14th (Wednesday) 23:59
:zap: :zap: :zap:
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç Meeting 2 Notes Feb 16th (Friday) 23:59
Dilruba Reyyan Kılıç Customer Meeting Notes Feb 16th (Friday) 23:59
Neval Tüllük & Ferhat Melih Dal W3C Annotation Manual Feb 28th (Wednesday) 23:59
Neval Tüllük & Enes Koşar Requirements Draft Wiki Page Feb 16th (Friday) 23:59
Serdar Ada Revise File Names Feb 18th (Sunday) 23:59
Ramazan Arslan & Faik Emre Derin Communication Plan Wiki Page Feb 18th (Sunday) 23:59
Cemal Burak Aygün Create a Manual Page for Commit Messages Feb 18th (Sunday) 23:59
Cemal Burak Aygün Open assignment issues on GitHub Feb 16th (Friday) 23:59