Meeting #12.1 - bounswe/bounswe2018group7 GitHub Wiki

:book: Details

Location Date Time
Online October 11th 2018 20:00 - 21:00

:calendar: Agenda

  • Revise the project plan.
  • Determine the milestones.

:busts_in_silhouette: Contribution

Attended: :thumbsup:

:speech_balloon: Discussions & Outcomes

  • Determined the outline of the project plan

  • Determined the milestones

    Re-analysis of Requirements and Project Plan (Due 16th October)

    Milestone1 16th October

    Initialization of Projects and Implementation of User/Authentication (Due 23th October)

    Milestone2 23th October

    Implementation of Memory Post and Tag Components (Due 13th November)

    Milestone3 13th November

    Implementation of Search and Comment Components (Due 20th November)

    Implementation of Map Components (Due 27th November)

    Implementation of Recommendation Components (Due 4th December)

    Milestone4 4th December

    Implementation of Annotation Components (Due 18th December)

    Milestone5 18th December

:black_nib: Assignments

Assignee :busts_in_silhouette: Assignment :heavy_check_mark: Deadline :skull:
All Members Specific assignments are will be given through ISSUES Related Time
:zap: :zap: :zap:
Serdar Ada Fill Meeting 12.1 Notes October 16th (Tuesday) 00:00