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Admin Mockup
Admin User first sees a login screen
(1) Login: Registered users login to the system via username and password.
(2) Sign Up: If an user is not registered on the system, it goes to a page where the user can be registered.
Forgot Password?: If a registered user cannot remember his/her password, it goes to a page where the password can be reset.
Sign Up
A form page opens for unregistered users.
Sign Up: If an unregistered user completes the form appropriately, s/he registers to the system.
Conversation Tree
After logging in, user is welcomed with a screen that has a menu on the left. User can edit/remove/add new nodes from this screen. When the cursor is on a node, the Add, Edit and Delete boxes appears.
(1) Add a new child node: Adding a node to the conversation graph
(2) Edit node: Editing a node in the conversation graph.
(3) Delete node: Deleting a node from the conversation graph.
(4) Search: Searching a node name.
(5) Log Out: Registered user log outs the system
Edit Node
A Node consists of Templates, Actions and Replies.
(1) Node Name: Every Node has a name. It displays on Conversation Tree.
(2) Templates: Users can use multiple Templates for the same request.
(3) Add Template: Adding a new Template.
(4) Add Variable: Adding a Variable. (For more information look at Variables)
(5) Edit Template: Editing the Template.
(6) Delete Template: Deleting the Template.
(7) Actions: When an appropriate request is received from the users, some corresponding codes will be executed such as filtering, rating, commenting....
(8) Add Action: Adding a new Action.
(9) Edit Action: Editing the Action.
(10) Delete Action: Deleting the Action.
(11) Replies: After the Actions are finished, Telegram Bot will give a reply. The reply may vary depending on the circumstances.
(12) Primary Reply: It is the first reply according to the condition.
(13) Text: The Reply will be given by Telegram Bot.
(14) Image: Beside the reply, an image can also be sent by specifying the link.
(15) Button: Beside the reply, a button can also be sent by specifying the link.
(16) Link: Beside the reply, a link can also be sent.
(17) Condition: The condition for the reply.
(18) Secondary Reply: It is the second reply according to the condition.
(19) Add Reply: Adding a new reply.
(20) Cancel: Cancel changes.
(21) Save: Save changes.
When an appropriate request is received from the users, some corresponding codes will be executed such as filtering, rating, commenting.... This page is not changeable.
(1) The Action
(2) The definition of the Action
The list of Variables. This page is not changeable.
(1) The Variable
(2) The definition of the Variable
Account Settings
The Admin user can change his/hers current settings.