Sequence Diagrams - bounswe/bounswe2017group3 GitHub Wiki


This page includes the sequence diagrams of our use cases, and we tried to explain how the classes in our class diagram interact to accomplish those. There are 2 things to consider while looking at these diagrams:

  1. User in the below diagrams sends a request -most probably an HTTP request- to our backend API through one of our user interfaces (Android or Web) and the classes there takes care of the rest.
  2. We've omitted some parts of the actual system for simplicity; such as handling the request and redirecting it to the correct receiver (it's the job of the HTTP server), actual database operations (it's the job of the DBMS and ORM) and details of the user interface (because it can vary heavily depending on which interface).

Use Case 1 - Registration

registration sequence

Use Case 2 - Login

login sequence

Use Case 3 - Create an Event

create an event sequence

Use Case 4 - Create a Group

Use Case 5 - Search an Item

search an item sequence

Use Case 6 - Creating Content

content creation sequence 5

Use Case 7 - Annotation of the Content

annotation sequence

Use Case 8.1 - Changing Group Privacy Setting

change group privacy settings

Use Case 8.2 - Changing User Privacy Setting

change user privacy setting

Use Case 9 - Adding Tag

tag sequence