Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Viewing topics and tags as a guest |
Purpose |
To test if a guest user can view topics and relations |
- User should not be logged in.
- There should be at least two topics in db with at least one relation (with name).
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Open application.
- Select "continue without signin".
- Perform long press on a topic.<Press on floating action button and select "add topic".
- User sees at least two topics on main page and is able to tell their names and what tags they have.
- On long press on an item, user is able to state relations of topic, its direction and its name.
- User should see an alert dialog telling the user to login to perform create action.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Registering, logging in to and logging out of the system |
Purpose |
To test if a new user can register, login and logout |
- User should not exist already.
- User should have a valid e-mail.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Open application.
- Enter username and password and press register.
- In the alert dialog, enter email.
- Close app.
- Reopen app.
- Logout.
User e-mail |
- After closing app and reopening it, user must stay signed in.
- After login, user must be able to see topics and relations and floating action buttons with values "add topic" and "add relation".
- After logout, user must be directed to login page.
- Postconditions:
- User should be able to login to system with newly created account.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Creating a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can create a topic |
- User should be logged in.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- On the floating action button, select add topic.
- On the popup displayed, enter topic name and press "next".
- Search tag(s) and select the ones to be added and press "add".
A topic (with at least one tag) |
- User should see newly added topic with its tags on the homepage.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Adding relation |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add relation |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least two topics in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- On the floating action button, select add topic.
- On the popup displayed, enter name of relation and select if relation is bidirectional or not.
- Search for first topic and select one, press next.
- Search for second topic and select one, press "add".
- Find topic and perform long press action.
two topic names |
- If not bidirectional, user should see a relation from first topic to second topic (first --> second) with the relation name on the relation popup. Else, arrow image is bidirectional.
- On the second topic search page, first selected topic should not appear.
- Search functionality should give meaningful results.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
See tags and comments of a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can see details of a topic |
- There must be at least one topic, one comment and one tag.
- User must be on homepage.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Press on a topic.
A topic (with at least one tag, one relation and one comment) |
- User should see tags and comments of the topic.
- If the content does not fit on the space, user should scroll to see other tags/comments.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Add comment to a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add comment |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
- User should be on home page.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Press on a topic.
- On floating action button, select add comment.
- Add content and submit.
A topic |
- User should see comment on topic's page with his/her username and contribution time.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Add tag to a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add tag |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to topic.
- On floating action button, select "add tag".
- Search for tag(s), select tags to be added and submit.
A topic |
- User should see added tag on topic detail page and also homepage.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Searching among existing topics&tags. |
Purpose |
To test that the server gives the appropriate results via searching. |
- At least one topic should exist in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Search an existing topic/tag.
- A topic
- Expected results show up according to the search algorithm.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Searching among non-existing topics&tags. |
Purpose |
To test that the server gives the appropriate results via searching. |
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Search a non existing topic/tag.
- An empty page shows up.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
See profile page. |
Purpose |
To check that user can see profile page. |
- User should be registered to the system.
| Description | Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass? |
| :------: | ----------- | ---- | --------------- | ------------- | :---: |
- Select menuitem to navigate to profile page.
| |
- User's followed topics and contributions (on seperate tabs) should appear.
| | |
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Upvote a comment. |
Purpose |
To test if a user can upvote |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one comment in the system.
- User must not have voted before on this comment.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to comment.
- Press thumbs up button.
A comment |
- User should see incremented vote count next to comment.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Follow a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can follow a topic |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to topic detail.
- Press follow button.
- Navigate to profile page.
A topic |
- User should see followed topic on profile page.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Viewing topics and tags as a guest |
Purpose |
To test if a guest user can view topics and relations |
- User should not be logged in.
- There should be at least two topics in db with at least one relation (with name).
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to website.
- URL =
- User sees at least two topics on main page and is able to tell their names.
- User is able to state a relation between two topics, its direction and its name.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Registering, logging in to and logging out of the system |
Purpose |
To test if a new user can register, login and logout |
- User should not exist already.
- User should have a valid e-mail.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Press Sign Up button on top right.
- Enter related username, email, password, password confirmation fields.
- Press signup.
- In the preceding page, enter username and password.
- Press login.
- Press logout.
User e-mail |
- While signing up, if two password fields do not match or username does not fit conditions, there must be an error message.
- After login, user must be able to see topics and relations again and "create topic" and "add relation" buttons should appear on sidebar.
- After logout, those buttons should disappear.
- Postconditions:
- User should be able to login to system with newly created account.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Creating a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can create a topic |
- User should be logged in.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Choose create topic on home page.
- On the popup displayed, enter topic name and search tag
- Pick a tag among searched tags.
- Submit.
- User should see "pick a tag" if they try to submit topic without a tag.
- User should see newly added topic on homepage.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Adding relation |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add relation |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least two topics in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Choose add relation on home page.
- On the popup displayed, write first and second topic names and a relation name.
two topic names |
- User should see a relation from first topic to second topic (first --> second) with the relation name.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
See tags and comments of a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can see details of a topic |
- There must be at least one topic, one comment and one tag.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Double click on a topic
- Navigate back (or press Meanco on navbar)
- For the same topic, double click on one of relations that is pointing IN to it.
A topic (with at least one tag, one relation and one comment) |
- In the first page, comments should appear.
- In the second page, tags and relations should appear.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Add comment to a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add comment |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Double click on the topic.
- Enter content and submit
A topic |
- User should see comment on topic's page with his/her username and contribution time.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Edit comment of a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can edit comment |
- User should be logged in.
- User should have added a comment before.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to comment.
- Edit content and submit
A comment (of user) |
- User should see changed content and contribution time of the comment.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Add tag to a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can add tag |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to topic.
- Fill in required spaces and submit.
A topic |
- User should see added tag on topic detail page.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Searching among existing topics. |
Purpose |
To test that the website gives the appropriate results via searching. |
- At least one topic should exist in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Search an existing topic.
- A topic
- Expected results show up according to the search algorithm.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Searching among non-existing topics. |
Purpose |
To test that the website gives the appropriate results via searching. |
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Search a non existing topic.
- No results found shows up.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
See profile page. |
Purpose |
To check that user can see profile page. |
- User should be registered to the system.
| Description | Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass? |
| :------: | ----------- | ---- | --------------- | ------------- | :---: |
- Navigate to profile page.
| |
- User's info (e-mail, username) should appear on system.
| | |
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Upvote a comment. |
Purpose |
To test if a user can upvote |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one comment in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to comment.
- Press upvote button.
A comment |
- User should see incremented vote count next to comment.
Property |
Value |
Test Title |
Follow a topic |
Purpose |
To test if a user can follow a topic |
- User should be logged in.
- There must be at least one topic in the system.
Description |
Data |
Expected Result |
Actual Result |
Pass? |
- Navigate to topic.
- Press follow button.
- Navigate to profile page.
A topic |
- User should see followed topic on profile page.