User Test Documents - bounswe/bounswe2016group12 GitHub Wiki


A-TC #01


Property Value
Test Title Viewing topics and tags as a guest
Purpose To test if a guest user can view topics and relations


  • User should not be logged in.
  • There should be at least two topics in db with at least one relation (with name).

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Open application.
  2. Select "continue without signin".
  3. Perform long press on a topic.<Press on floating action button and select "add topic".
  1. User sees at least two topics on main page and is able to tell their names and what tags they have.
  2. On long press on an item, user is able to state relations of topic, its direction and its name.
  3. User should see an alert dialog telling the user to login to perform create action.

A-TC #02


Property Value
Test Title Registering, logging in to and logging out of the system
Purpose To test if a new user can register, login and logout


  • User should not exist already.
  • User should have a valid e-mail.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Open application.
  2. Enter username and password and press register.
  3. In the alert dialog, enter email.
  4. Close app.
  5. Reopen app.
  6. Logout.
User e-mail
  1. After closing app and reopening it, user must stay signed in.
  2. After login, user must be able to see topics and relations and floating action buttons with values "add topic" and "add relation".
  3. After logout, user must be directed to login page.
  • Postconditions:
  • User should be able to login to system with newly created account.

A-TC #03


Property Value
Test Title Creating a topic
Purpose To test if a user can create a topic


  • User should be logged in.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. On the floating action button, select add topic.
  2. On the popup displayed, enter topic name and press "next".
  3. Search tag(s) and select the ones to be added and press "add".
A topic (with at least one tag)
  1. User should see newly added topic with its tags on the homepage.

A-TC #04

Property Value
Test Title Adding relation
Purpose To test if a user can add relation


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least two topics in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. On the floating action button, select add topic.
  2. On the popup displayed, enter name of relation and select if relation is bidirectional or not.
  3. Search for first topic and select one, press next.
  4. Search for second topic and select one, press "add".
  5. Find topic and perform long press action.
two topic names
  1. If not bidirectional, user should see a relation from first topic to second topic (first --> second) with the relation name on the relation popup. Else, arrow image is bidirectional.
  2. On the second topic search page, first selected topic should not appear.
  3. Search functionality should give meaningful results.

A-TC #05

Property Value
Test Title See tags and comments of a topic
Purpose To test if a user can see details of a topic


  • There must be at least one topic, one comment and one tag.
  • User must be on homepage.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Press on a topic.
A topic (with at least one tag, one relation and one comment)
  1. User should see tags and comments of the topic.
  2. If the content does not fit on the space, user should scroll to see other tags/comments.

A-TC #06

Property Value
Test Title Add comment to a topic
Purpose To test if a user can add comment


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.
  • User should be on home page.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Press on a topic.
  2. On floating action button, select add comment.
  3. Add content and submit.
A topic
  1. User should see comment on topic's page with his/her username and contribution time.

A-TC #07

Property Value
Test Title Add tag to a topic
Purpose To test if a user can add tag


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to topic.
  2. On floating action button, select "add tag".
  3. Search for tag(s), select tags to be added and submit.
A topic
  1. User should see added tag on topic detail page and also homepage.

A-TC #08a


Property Value
Test Title Searching among existing topics&tags.
Purpose To test that the server gives the appropriate results via searching.


  • At least one topic should exist in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Search an existing topic/tag.
  1. A topic
  1. Expected results show up according to the search algorithm.

A-TC #08b


Property Value
Test Title Searching among non-existing topics&tags.
Purpose To test that the server gives the appropriate results via searching.



Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Search a non existing topic/tag.
  1. An empty page shows up.

A-TC #09


Property Value
Test Title See profile page.
Purpose To check that user can see profile page.


  • User should be registered to the system.

| Description | Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass? | | :------: | ----------- | ---- | --------------- | ------------- | :---: | |

  1. Select menuitem to navigate to profile page.
| |
  1. User's followed topics and contributions (on seperate tabs) should appear.
| | |

A-TC #10

Property Value
Test Title Upvote a comment.
Purpose To test if a user can upvote


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one comment in the system.
  • User must not have voted before on this comment.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to comment.
  2. Press thumbs up button.
A comment
  1. User should see incremented vote count next to comment.

A-TC #11

Property Value
Test Title Follow a topic
Purpose To test if a user can follow a topic


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to topic detail.
  2. Press follow button.
  3. Navigate to profile page.
A topic
  1. User should see followed topic on profile page.


W-TC #01


Property Value
Test Title Viewing topics and tags as a guest
Purpose To test if a guest user can view topics and relations


  • User should not be logged in.
  • There should be at least two topics in db with at least one relation (with name).

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to website.
  1. URL =
  1. User sees at least two topics on main page and is able to tell their names.
  2. User is able to state a relation between two topics, its direction and its name.

W-TC #02


Property Value
Test Title Registering, logging in to and logging out of the system
Purpose To test if a new user can register, login and logout


  • User should not exist already.
  • User should have a valid e-mail.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Press Sign Up button on top right.
  2. Enter related username, email, password, password confirmation fields.
  3. Press signup.
  4. In the preceding page, enter username and password.
  5. Press login.
  6. Press logout.
User e-mail
  1. While signing up, if two password fields do not match or username does not fit conditions, there must be an error message.
  2. After login, user must be able to see topics and relations again and "create topic" and "add relation" buttons should appear on sidebar.
  3. After logout, those buttons should disappear.
  • Postconditions:
  • User should be able to login to system with newly created account.

W-TC #03


Property Value
Test Title Creating a topic
Purpose To test if a user can create a topic


  • User should be logged in.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Choose create topic on home page.
  2. On the popup displayed, enter topic name and search tag
  3. Pick a tag among searched tags.
  4. Submit.
  1. User should see "pick a tag" if they try to submit topic without a tag.
  2. User should see newly added topic on homepage.

W-TC #04

Property Value
Test Title Adding relation
Purpose To test if a user can add relation


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least two topics in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Choose add relation on home page.
  2. On the popup displayed, write first and second topic names and a relation name.
two topic names
  1. User should see a relation from first topic to second topic (first --> second) with the relation name.

W-TC #05

Property Value
Test Title See tags and comments of a topic
Purpose To test if a user can see details of a topic


  • There must be at least one topic, one comment and one tag.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Double click on a topic
  2. Navigate back (or press Meanco on navbar)
  3. For the same topic, double click on one of relations that is pointing IN to it.
A topic (with at least one tag, one relation and one comment)
  1. In the first page, comments should appear.
  2. In the second page, tags and relations should appear.

W-TC #06a

Property Value
Test Title Add comment to a topic
Purpose To test if a user can add comment


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Double click on the topic.
  2. Enter content and submit
A topic
  1. User should see comment on topic's page with his/her username and contribution time.

W-TC #06b

Property Value
Test Title Edit comment of a topic
Purpose To test if a user can edit comment


  • User should be logged in.
  • User should have added a comment before.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to comment.
  2. Edit content and submit
A comment (of user)
  1. User should see changed content and contribution time of the comment.

W-TC #07

Property Value
Test Title Add tag to a topic
Purpose To test if a user can add tag


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to topic.
  2. Fill in required spaces and submit.
A topic
  1. User should see added tag on topic detail page.

W-TC #08a


Property Value
Test Title Searching among existing topics.
Purpose To test that the website gives the appropriate results via searching.


  • At least one topic should exist in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Search an existing topic.
  1. A topic
  1. Expected results show up according to the search algorithm.

W-TC #08b


Property Value
Test Title Searching among non-existing topics.
Purpose To test that the website gives the appropriate results via searching.



Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Search a non existing topic.
  1. No results found shows up.

W-TC #09


Property Value
Test Title See profile page.
Purpose To check that user can see profile page.


  • User should be registered to the system.

| Description | Data | Expected Result | Actual Result | Pass? | | :------: | ----------- | ---- | --------------- | ------------- | :---: | |

  1. Navigate to profile page.
| |
  1. User's info (e-mail, username) should appear on system.
| | |

W-TC #10

Property Value
Test Title Upvote a comment.
Purpose To test if a user can upvote


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one comment in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to comment.
  2. Press upvote button.
A comment
  1. User should see incremented vote count next to comment.

W-TC #11

Property Value
Test Title Follow a topic
Purpose To test if a user can follow a topic


  • User should be logged in.
  • There must be at least one topic in the system.

Steps to take

Description Data Expected Result Actual Result Pass?
  1. Navigate to topic.
  2. Press follow button.
  3. Navigate to profile page.
A topic
  1. User should see followed topic on profile page.
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