User Stories - bounswe/bounswe2016group12 GitHub Wiki
###1. Feed -Furkan
- As a user I can see related posts on my feed so that I can follow my interests.
- As a registered user, I want to get notifications whenever someone answers my question/adds a comment so that I will not have to refresh the page until I see the answer.
- As a registered user, I want to see topics/questions related my interests on my feed so that I can spend time amusingly and reach good contents in terms of quality.
###2. Trending topic (created automatically based on user's interests and/or location) - Furkan
- As a casual user, I want to see top ten topics in each country (like a top pop songs chart) so that I can have an idea about what people from different cultures are talking about.
- As a newbie user, I must see the most popular contents/questions/answers and the accounts whom belong to those, so that I can reach the other contents of popular users having these accounts.
###3. Upvote/Downvote for Q&A - Furkan
As a user, I want that nobody can vote the topics/questions other than users so that results can be more reliable and data manipulation can be stopped.
As a user I can upvote/downvote a question or an answer so that the better question/answer goes up.
- Verify that posts have upvote and downvote buttons.
###4. Login/Sign Up (if user wants to ask or answer questions. The user can freely read the Q&A without logging in). - Furkan
As a guest user I want to know what this platform is about and what advantages I would have if I became a registered user by so that I would want to sign up.
- Verify that main page have faq button linking to faq page.
As a guest I can easily sign up so that I can use the network in a more efficient way.
As a common user, I want to log off my account before leaving from the site so that I can be sure about I'm in safe.
###5. Checking for duplicate questions/topics -Levent
As a user, I want that system checks automatically for possible duplicates about the topics so that I can use my time efficiently while searching.
- Verify that topic has duplicate and closed tag.
###6. Spam/block mechanism -Levent
As a product owner, I want to have a block/report mechanism so that I can keep track of users who generate this and handle with undesirable conditions easily.
Verify that reported posts have report tag.
Verify that users with high contribution to report tag can be viewable from a page.
As a system administrator I want an auto-block system for inappropriate posts so that I don't have to deal with them.
###7. Report abuse - İrem
As a user I can report an inappropriate post so that I won't see it and the network is clean.
- Verify that posts have report button.
###8. Search -Levent
As a guest user I want to read comments made by other people about some topic so that I can have an idea about the concept.
- Verify that topic pages have comment section.
As a user/guest I can search with keywords so that I can easily find what I'm looking for.
- Verify that site have search field on top of page.
As a user I want to be able to search according to subject names so that I could easily find the topics in which I interested.
- Verify that search field have autocomplete for topic names,where user can select which to search. As a student, I want to be able to type a textbook's name and see questions related to that textbook so that I will do my homework easier.
###9. Following based on tag attribute - Ezgi
As a registered user I want to follow a topic so that I can gather some information for the paper that I'm writing.
- Verify that topics have follow button.
As a casual user, I want the content to be tagged so that they can be grouped into topics that I can follow.
As a casual user, I want to be able to create custom lists of questions and answers that I like and choose, like a music playlist, so that I can revisit the questions and answers that I liked under a title.
As a casual user, I want the questions with some specific tags to have specific color coding so that I can quickly categorize the questions wherever I see them.
###10. Periodical digest on mail (based on topics that may interest the user) - İrem
As a user, I should be able to adjust digestive time so that I can get news easily from topics which I interest and get no news from the website when I do not use it.
- Verify that there is a selection field in user profile to select digest.
###11. Location and Localization - Ezgi
As a product owner, I want users' location should be given automatically so that they do not have to tackle with giving location.
- Verify that client can find location of user using an API or from their ISPs.
As a user I sometimes want to see answers coming from only certain locations so that I can point of view of people from different locations.
- Verify that there is a button for location filter.
- Verify that user can select countries from filter.
- Verify that when multiple location selected from filter, answerers have location tag next to them.
As a Turkish talking user I want to use application turkish so that I can have easier time using it.
- Verify that there is a language dropdown menu to select language.
- Verify that a suggested language is selected according to users location.
- Verify that user have custom language from his old login sessions.
As a Turkish talking user I want to see only turkish answers so that I can understand them.
- Verify that there are checkboxes for each language in users profile.
###12. Suggestions based on user's viewed questions/topics - İrem
- As a registered user, I want to see related questions to my question whenever I post one so that I can learn from these ones.
###13. Sorting feature (flexible - can either sort by top rated answer or time) -Levent
As a popular user I must see my most popular questions and answers so that I can improve myself.
As a user I want to see the highest rated post on the top of the page so the most reliable post will be easily reached.
As a user I want to sort my newsfeed to see the most recent posts on the top of the page so that I can get up to date information.
- Verify that there is a button to change sorting order of page.
- Verify that user can select a custom sorting behaviour for posts.
- Verify that edited answers are included in sort according to their most recent edit.
As a user, I want to filter the comments/answers/contents that are below main contents/questions/answers with respect to several aspect, i.e. rating, update date, or view count etc. so that I can see the relative results with these filters.
###14. User profile (sharing job, interests and professions WILL BE required) -Enes
As a user I can edit my profile page so that other users have knowledge about me.
- Verify that user profiles have information that can be edited.
As a famous person, I want your website to require identity verification for famous titles to prevent impostors from expressing their own ideas as if they were of someone famous, like myself.
As a professor, I want to be able to entitle myself with my degree so that I will seem as reliable as I am.
1. Verify that when his profile is visited, his title appears below his name first.
- As a user, I want to add my interests on my profile while signing up the site or editing my profile so that the suggestion mechanism of the site can suggest the contents related my interests to me during touring the site.
###15. A page for the users to freely request new features - İrem
As a popular user I can request new features so that I can really contribute to the network.
- Verify that site have suggestions button linking to suggestions page.
- Verify that suggestions page have suggestion box and sent button.
###16. FAQ page - İrem
As a user I can look FAQ page so that I can understand how the network works.
- Verify that there is a FAQ page.
###17. Analytics tools (which country viewed my question the most etc) -Levent
As a popular user I must see analytics of my questions and answers so that I have a very good knowledge of myself and the network.
- Verify that user profile have analytics button linking to analytics page.
As a developer I can see a detailed analytics of application and website so that I can decide which features will enter and exit.
- Verify that developer page have analytics link.
###18. Being able to delete accounts - İrem
As a non-popular user I can delete my account so that I can entirely leave the network.
- Verify that user stays.
###19. Embed Media into Q&A -Levent
- As a user I can add images to my questions and answers so that I can ask stronger questions, and I can answer in a better way.
i. Check that user can upload images with most commonly used image file extensions with given memory limit.
- As a registered user I want to be able to post images so that I could make a vivid impression about the topic.
- As a professor, I want to be able to answer with podcasts or videos so that I can make myself clear while answering questions.
###20. Link topics with subtopics and display them in a schema -Levent
- As a user I want to see subtopics and their q&a in a schema so that I can see answers easily.
###21. Ask questions anonymously -Levent
- As a user I can ask anonymous questions so that I can ask questions that I embrass to ask.
1. Check that putting an anonymous/unanonymous option before asking a question so that her username cannot be seen.
###22. Add links to Q&A -Levent
As a user I can add links to my Q&A, so that I can reference some meaningful things.
- Verify that when the user add links, link URL's appear as expected.
###23. Edit Q&A -Levent
As a user I want to see old revisions of an answer given to a question and to see how many vote a revision takes when it was current answer of user so that I can see if people still agree with answerers current answer to the question.
- Verify that there is an Edits button for answers.
- Verify that it show old edits of answer.
- Verify that it shows how many upvote each edit have.
###24. Ask Questions -Levent
- As a registered user, I want to be able to open a survey so that I will know what majority thinks about my question.
- As an advanced user, I want that the contents/topics/question which I have already encountered should be specified as the duplicate, so that I wouldn't have to see the excess of the contents.
###25. Answer Questions -Levent
As a registered user I want to comment on a subject that interests me so that I can be a part of the discussion.
- Verify that discussions have input field and submit button.
###26. Share at social media -Levent
As a registered user I want to write a tweet on Twitter about the discussion that I started and give a link to that discussion so that more people can write their thoughts about the subject by clicking the link on Twitter.
- Verify that posts have share on twitter button.
As a popular user, I want to share any content I like with my other social networks i.e facebook, twitter etc.
- Verify that user can login the social network account successfully.
- Verify that user can share successfully.