Use Cases - bounswe/bounswe2016group12 GitHub Wiki
UC #1: Sign Up
Actors: Unregistered users (Guests).
Purpose: Creating an account successfully.
Preconditions: User shall not have an account before.
Guest will enter the website.
Guest will press sign-up button.
Guest will fill required fields(account name, e-mail,country etc).
Guest will check password and user name format.
System will check user name is not registered before.
Guest will press create account button.
Either password or user name format has incorrect format, account creation cannot be completed until correct format appears.
If username exists in the system, creation cannot be completed.
After these steps are completed, a verification mail will be sent to user e-mail. After verification, creating the account will be completed.
UC #2: Login
Actors: Registered users.
Goal: Successfully logging in into user account.
Preconditions: User shall have an account.
User will open the website.
User will press log-in part.
User will type username/e-mail and password.
System will check the (e-mail/username - password) tuple.
If the tuple matches, then user will be able to get in his/her account.
Either password or e-mail/username does not match, the system will notify the user that "Username/password does not match".
UC #3: Forgot Password
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Enabling user to reaccess his/her account.
Preconditions: User's username/password combination does not match.
User will click on "Forgot password" tab.
User will type the e-mail in the tab.
System will send the temporary password and current username to user's e-mail.
User will login with it if combination matches.
System will check the password format.
If user/password combination matches, then user will change his/her own password.
Either password or e-mail/username does not match, the system will notify the user that "Username/password does not match".
UC #4: Search
Actors: Registered users and guests.
Purpose: Searching successfully with tag or keyword.
Preconditions: User shall enter the website.
Users will type the keyword or tag in the search tab.
System will check for possible duplicates and will give appropriate results to users.
Users and guests should see the results related to keywords.
UC #5: Changing Profile
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Successfully changing the information about the profile.
User shall register the system.
User shall be logged into account.
User will click on the profile tab.
In the profile page, user will edit information about himself/herself.
User will save them by clicking on save button.
System will save the changes.
View Posts
Actors: Registered users and guests.
Purpose: Viewing comments,tags, videos etc about the post successfully.
Preconditions: User shall enter the website.
Users will be able to see all videos, comments, photos etc. about the post.
Postcondition: No postcondition.
UC #6: Create Posts
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Creating a post with or without adding videos, photos etc. successfully.
Preconditions: User shall log in the account.
User will write comments.
Optionally user can add videos, pictures, other comments or tags etc.
User will click on create post button.
System will check video, picture limits in terms of memory.
If optional elements are under bounds, post will be successfully created otherwise the system will notify user that "The memory of video or music is X MB".
UC #7: Edit Posts
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Editing a post successfully.
User shall log in the account.
User will click on "Edit" tab for which post will be changed.
User will add/remove comments, materials, etc.
System will check the limits.
It has the same postcondition with Create Post.
UC #8: Edit Comments
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Editing a comment successfully.
User shall log in the account.
User will click on "Edit" tab for which comment will be changed.
User will add/remove links,sentences, etc. to the comment.
System will check the limits.
It has the same postcondition with Edit Post.
UC #9: Report Posts
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Reporting posts violating ethical issues, etc.
User shall log in the account.
User will see the post.
User will click on "Report post" button.
User can write a reason as optional.
User will click on "Send" button.
The system admin will check the request.
Admin will remove the post if it has a violation issue.
UC #10: Report Comments
Actors: Registered users.
Purpose: Reporting comments violating ethical issues, etc.
User shall log in the account.
User will see the post.
User will click on "Report comment" button.
User can write a reason as optional.
User will click on "Send" button.
The system admin will check the request.
Admin will remove the comment if it has a violation issue.
UC #11: Delete posts
Actors:Admins of the system.
Goals: Deleting post/posts have violation issues.
The post must be reported.
Admin shall find the post inappropriate.
Admin will click on the post.
Admin will check the delete option.
Admin will approve that.
Admin removed the post and it becomes invisible for users.
UC #12: Delete comments
Actors:Admins of the system.
Goals: Deleting comment/comments have violation issues.
The comment must be reported.
Admin shall find the comment inappropriate.
Admin will click on the comment.
Admin will check the delete option.
Admin will approve that.
Admin removed the comment and it becomes invisible for users.
UC #13: Ban user
Actors: Admins.
Goals: Removing an user violating rules.
The user must be reported by another user.
Admin shall agree that user has inappropriate issues.
Admin will see the report.
Admin will use ban button.
The user will be banned and the user will not be visible anymore.
His account details put into a blacklist in the system.
UC #14: Up/Down vote for a post/comment
Actors: Registered users.
Goal: Voting the post/comment successfully.
Precondition: User shall be logged in.
User will see the post/comment.
User will click on either up or down button for a post/comment.
System will save the changes.
Postconditions: There is no postcondition.
UC #15: Sorting comments
Actors: Registered users.
Goal: Sorting comments based on either voting or time based in a post successfully.
Precondition: User shall be logged in.
User will be able to see the post.
User will click on the sort button.
User will choose either time or vote base option.
System will implement the sorting algorithm in behind.
System will show the new results to the user.
UC #16: Follow User
Actors: Registered users.
Goal: Following a user successfully.
Precondition: User shall be logged in.
User will click on the user's profile page link which will be followed.
On the profile page, user will click on the follow button.
The system will inform that "Following completed".
Postconditions: All things about the user will appear when posted.