Home Assistant Recording sensors Energy history - bosch-thermostat/home-assistant-bosch-custom-component GitHub Wiki
IVT and EASYCONTROL devices gather statistics about historical usage of energy.
For IVT recording is an array with 24 length, each record represent sum or avg (not sure, but I assume that for temperature device calculate average temperature and for power endpoints it calculate sum amount.) for one hour of the day eg. 0 index means sum/avg from 00:00 - 01:00, index 1 means 01-02h etc.
Data for hour before is available 5 minutes after each hour. To put this data into HA, sensor use last_reset
It is set to full hour of which data was collected.
Example data from IVT:
"id": "/recordings/system/heatSources/hs1/actualPower?interval=2021-8-05",
"interval": "2021-8-05",
"recordable": 0,
"recordedResource": {
"id": "/heatSources/actualPower",
"uri": ""
"recording": [
"c": 59,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 360
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 120
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 300
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 120
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 60
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"c": 60,
"y": 0
"recording-type": "actual",
"sampleRate": "P1H",
"type": "yRecording",
"writeable": 0