Topbar - bookyakuno/Blender-Scramble-Addon GitHub Wiki

◆ Topbar> "File" Menu

Buttons' positions (image)

Buttons' positions

Functions in Menu

  • Open Last Used File
    Open the file at the top of 'Open Recent'.

  • Load Last AutoSave
    Open the LAST 'automatically saved file' to restore it.

  • Save Without Confirm
    Save file without displaying the confirmation message.

  • Restart
    Restart Blender.

Functions in "Manipulate Data Together" Menu

  • Rename all of specific Data (use cautiously)

    Sub Panel

    Rename all of the designated type's data.
  • Match All Texture Names to Image File Names
    Change all textures' names to their linked image files' names.
    Names of textures that have no links are not changed.

  • Match ALL Image Names to File Names
    Change all images' names to their linked files' names.
    Names of images that have no links are not changed.

  • Match All Physics' Start/End to Rendering's ones

    Sub Panel

    Change all physics' start / end frames to the rendering's start / end frames.

Functions in "Manipulate Objects Together" Menu

  • Set 'All Edges' Property Together

    Sub Panel

    Set 'All Edges' property of all objects.
  • Set Display Method in Viewport Together

    Sub Panel

    Set display method in viewport together for all of the designated type's objects.
  • Match All Data Names to Objects' Names
    Change all objects' linked data names to their objects' names.

Functions in "Manipulate Material Together" Menu

  • Copy FreeStyle Line Color to All Other Materials

    Sub Panel

    Copy the active material's FreeStyle line color to all other materials.
    You can also copy it to only selected objects' material.
  • Match All FreeStyle Line Colors to Diffuse Colors

    Sub Panel

    Change all materials' FreeStyle line colors to their diffuse colors in viewport.
    You can also apply to only selected objects' material.
    CAUTION: "diffuse color" is a color defined at 'Viewport Display' panel in Material Tab, NOT "material color".
  • Set All Materials' Diffuse Colors

    Sub Panel

    Set all materials' diffuse colors in viewport.
    CAUTION: "diffuse color" is a color defined at 'Viewport Display' panel in Material Tab, NOT "material color".

◆ Topbar > "File" Menu > "External Data" Menu

Buttons' positions and sub menus (image)

Buttons' positions

  • Reload All Images
    Reload all images from their linked files.

  • Save All Image Files in 'textures' Folder
    Create 'textures' folder at the directory where the blend file exists, or Select the folder if it already exists, and then, copy all the image files used as images in it.

  • Isolate Unused Image Files in 'textures' Folder
    Crate 'backup' folder in the existed 'textures' folder, and move image files that exist in the 'textures' folder but are not used into the 'backup' folder.

  • Display List of 'Open Recent' as Text
    Display the list of recently-opened files in Blender's text editor.

  • Display List of 'Bookmarks' as Text
    Display the list of bookmarked files at file browser in Blender's text editor.

◆ Topbar > "Render" Menu

Buttons' positions and sub menus (image)

Buttons' positions

  • Set Rendering Image's Size (%)

    Sub Panel

    Set rendering's size as a percentage of the resolution settings.
  • Set Render Slot

    Sub Panel

    Change the render slot.
  • Set File Format

    Sub Panel

    Change file format of the rendering's result.
  • Change Number of Threads

    Sub Panel

    Toggles thread number of CPUS used to render.
    (Enabled only when render engine is 'Cycles')
  • Set Subsurfs' Subdivisions when Rendering

    Sub Panel

    Set "numbers of subdivisions when rendering" of all subdivision surface modifiers together.
  • Change 'Simplify' Settings

    Sub Panel

    Change render's 'simplify' settings.

Function in "Set Subsurfs' Subdivisions when Rendering" Menu

  • Set Subdivisions Based on Number in Viewport

    Sub Panel

    Set "number of subdivisions when rendering" of all subdivision surface modifiers based on "number in viewport".

◆ Topbar > "Window" Menu

Buttons' positions and sub menus (image)

Buttons' positions

  • Switch UI Language (English/Japanese)
    Switch interface language between English and Japanese.

  • Pie menu : Editor Type
    Switch editor types of the area.
    This function cannot use in Topbar, so please use this by assigning shortcut.

◆ Topbar > "Help" Menu

Buttons' positions and sub menus (image)

Buttons' positions

  • Toggle Display of 'On/Off Additional Items'
    Show or hide 'turn on/off additional items' buttons displayed at end of menus added by the add-on.

  • Update Blender-Scramble-Addon
    Download 'Blender-Scramble-Addon' and update to it.

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