Lite Edition - bobbyiliev/dbeaver GitHub Wiki

DBeaver Lite Edition (LE) is a commercial version of DBeaver CE. The Lite license is perpetual and comes with one or two years of premium support.

DBeaver LE includes visualization tools such as ER diagrams, analytical charts, a data editor, and a visual query builder. The LE version includes most of the features of the CE version plus:

  • All popular JDBC drivers are included in the LE distribution so you will not need to download/configure them separately.
  • Support of Databases:
Cloud Databases NoSQL Databases
Apache Cassandra Redis
MongoDB AWS Keyspaces
InfluxDB AWS DocumentDB
Couchbase AWS Timestream
Yugabyte CQL
  • Additional LE plugins:
    • Office formats support (XLS) for data import
    • Visual Query Builder
    • SQL execution plan diagram
    • Persistent query database. Search in query history
    • Analytical charts rendering
    • Kerberos UI Authentication
    • Automatic proxy configuration (PAC)
    • Spelling
    • Command Line Interface
    • A possibility for us to support and develop the Community version, add new features faster, provide better support, and much more.

Even if you do not need enterprise features you can purchase a license as a form of donation. Thank you!