Command Line - bobbyiliev/dbeaver GitHub Wiki

Command line parameters can be passed directly to the DBeaver executable. The way to do this depends on your operating system:


You can use the dbeaver-cli.exe [parameters] executable. This executable does not spawn a new window, so you can see the output messages.


Parameters can be passed to DBeaver in one of two ways:

  • Use the open command followed by the -a flag and the name of the application, along with any necessary arguments. Depending on the version of DBeaver, you might need to specify,,, or For example: open -a "" --args [parameters].
    Note: This method does not display output messages.
  • Pass parameters directly to the DBeaver executable in the terminal using the path where the .app file is located. For example: /Application/ [parameters]. This method does not spawn a new window, so you can see the output messages.

For both Windows and Mac, parameters can also be added in the dbeaver.ini configuration file. These should be written at the beginning of the file, with each parameter on its own line.

Command line parameters

DBeaver control

Name Value Example
-help Prints help message
-stop Quits DBeaver
-dump Prints DBeaver thread dump
-f Opens the file in DBeaver UI, if the command has -con argument, connects it to datasource -f c:\some-path\some-file.sql
-con Opens database connection in DBeaver UI See connection parameters table
-closeTabs Closes all open editor tabs
-disconnectAll Closes all open connections
-reuseWorkspace Forces reuse of single workspace by multiple DBeaver instances
-newInstance Forces new DBeaver instance creation (do not try to reuse already running one)
-bringToFront Brings the DBeaver window on top of other applications
-var Customs variables for runTask. You can change existing variables in the task. You cannot add new task variables with this parameter. You can add several parameters at once to the command line, each starting with "-var". Used right before -runTask. Template: -var variableName=variableValue -var
-runTask "exportFromSakila"
EE version only.
-vars Path to a property file with variables -vars c:\path\to\
For more information see the main article
-runTask Executes specified task -runTask "@projectName:taskName".
EE version only. See task scheduler.
-license Path to the license file -license "/etc/licenses/dbeaver.txt".
PRO versions only.

System parameters

Name Value Example
-nl Locale en_US
-data Workspace path c:\ProgramData\MyWorkspace
-nosplash Omits splash screen true
-clean Clears all Eclipse caches. Use it if DBeaver fails to start after it upgrades.
-vmargs VM parameters See VM arguments table

VM arguments

You can pass any advanced Java parameters supported by your local JVM (Oracle, OpenJDK, IBM, etc).
Parameters supported by Oracle JVM (11):

Parameters supported by all JVMs:

Name Value Example
-Xms Sets initial memory available for DBeaver -Xmx1000m
-Xmx Sets maximum memory available for DBeaver -Xmx4000m

Connection parameters

All connection parameters must be supplied as a single command line argument. The parameters are divided by pipe (|). The parameter name and value is divided by =.
Example: -con "driver=sqlite|database=C:\db\SQLite\Chinook.db|name=SQLiteChin|openConsole=true|folder=SQLite"

Name Description Example
name Connection name Test connection
driver Driver name or ID driver=sqlite, driver=mysql, etc
url Connection URL. Optional (JDBC URL may be constructed by a driver from other parameters) url=jdbc:sqlite:C:\db\SQLite\Chinook.db
host Database host name (optional) host=localhost
port Database port number (optional) port=1534
server Database server name (optional) server=myserver
database Database name or path (optional) database=db-name
user User name (optional) user=root
password User password (optional) password=mysecret
auth Authentication model ID. See Auth models auth=postgres_pgpass
authProp.propName Custom authentication parameters (depends on the driver and auth model)
savePassword Does not ask user for a password on connection savePassword=true
showSystemObjects Shows/Hides system schemas, tables ,etc showSystemObjects=true
showUtilityObjects Shows/Hides utility schemas, tables ,etc showUtilityObjects=true
folder Puts a new connection in a folder folder=FolderName
autoCommit Sets connection auto commit flag (default value depends on driver) autoCommit=true
prop.propName Advanced connection parameters (depend on driver) prop.connectTimeout=30
id Connection id oracle_thin-16a88e815bd-70598e648cedd28c (useful in conjunction with create=false)
connect Connects to this database connect=false
openConsole Opens the SQL console for this database (sets connect to true) openConsole=true
create Creates new connection create=false (true by default). If it is set as false, then an existing connection configuration will be used. The name or id parameter must be specified.
save Saves new connection When create=true, then save=false (default) makes new connection temporary, save=true means that new connection will be saved and accessible between DBeaver launches.

Declare external variables in a file

See the main article

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️