Apache Hive - bobbyiliev/dbeaver GitHub Wiki
Apache Hive
Hive is a Hadoop-based storage system. Hive uses a special SQL dialect (HiveQL) to operate with data and metadata. Generally, it is quite similar to SQL.
There are multiple implementations of storage systems which utilize Hive on the server-side - including Apache Spark, Impala, etc. Most of them support the standard Hive JDBC driver which is used in DBeaver to communicate with the server.
DBeaver uses a so-called Hive JDBC Uber Jar driver (https://github.com/timveil/hive-jdbc-uber-jar) which includes all necessary dependencies. You do not need to download anything - DBeaver will download everything automatically (if you have internet access).
Connection setup
Schema/data browser
Hive does not support referential integrity so you will not see primary keys or foreign keys. ER diagrams also do no make much sense.