Compute Options - bobbae/gcp GitHub Wiki

Tables comparing different hosting options.

Decision tree for compute options.

PaaS / IaaS

PaaS refers to cloud-based platform services that provide developers with a framework to build custom applications. PaaS isn’t delivering software over the internet but provides a platform that’s accessible to different developers to create software that’s delivered over the internet.

IaaS cloud-based infrastructure resources are delivered to organizations with virtualization technology that helps them build and manage their servers, network, data storage and operating systems. IaaS customers can control their own data infrastructure without having to physically manage it on-site.

App Engine

The Google App Engine, which is also a PaaS solution, allows you to deploy your code, and the platform automates everything. GAE is fully scalable, meaning that it acquires more instances automatically if the traffic of your application becomes higher.

Cloud Functions

Cloud Functions allows users to write function code and let Google Cloud handle the operational infrastructure.

Cloud functions framework

Cloud Task

Cloud Tasks lets you separate out pieces of work that can be performed independently, outside of your main application flow, and send them off to be processed, asynchronously, using handlers that you create.

Using Cloud Tasks to trigger Cloud Function

Cloud Run

Cloud Run is a managed compute platform that enables you to run stateless containers that are invocable via web requests or Pub/Sub events. Cloud Run is serverless: it abstracts away all infrastructure management.

Cloud Run Quickstarts

Cloud Run for Anthos

Cloud Run for Anthos provides a flexible serverless development platform on Google Kubernetes Engine -- GKE. Cloud Run for Anthos is powered by Knative, an open source project that supports serverless workloads on Kubernetes.

Cloud GPUs

Compute Engine provides graphics processing units (GPUs) that you can add to your virtual machine instances. You can use these GPUs to accelerate specific workloads on your instances such as machine learning and data processing. If you have graphics-intensive workloads, such as 3D visualization, 3D rendering, or virtual applications, you can create virtual workstations that use NVIDIA® GRID® technology. For information on GPUs for graphics-intensive applications, see GPUs for graphics workloads.


Cloud TPUs

Preemptible VM Instances

A preemptible VM is an instance that you can create and run at a much lower price than normal instances. However, Compute Engine might stop (preempt) these instances if it requires access to those resources for other tasks. Preemptible instances are excess Compute Engine capacity, so their availability varies with usage.

Shielded VMs

Shielded VM offers verifiable integrity of your Compute Engine VM instances, so you can be confident your instances haven't been compromised by boot- or kernel-level malware or rootkits. Shielded VM's verifiable integrity is achieved through the use of Secure Boot, virtual trusted platform module (vTPM)-enabled Measured Boot, and integrity monitoring.

Sole-tenant nodes

[Sole-tenancy] ( lets you have exclusive access to a sole-tenant node, which is a physical Compute Engine server that is dedicated to hosting only your project's VMs. Use sole-tenant nodes to keep your VMs physically separated from VMs in other projects, or to group your VMs together on the same host hardware.

Bare Metal Solution

Bare Metal Solution provides the infrastructure you need to run your specialized workload such as Oracle Database close to Google Cloud.

Configuring Google Access for On-Premise

Private Google Access for on-premises hosts provides a way for on-premises systems to connect to Google APIs and services by routing traffic through a Cloud VPN tunnel or a Cloud Interconnect attachment (VLAN).
