bnddistribute - bndtools/bnd GitHub Wiki


The bnddistribute ant task copies bundles listed in -runbundles to a single output directory. This can be used to distribute a bundle and all of its runtime dependencies.

It is implemented by the aQute.bnd.ant.RunconfigToDistributionTask java class found in the biz.aQute.bnd.jar.


Attribute Description Required
rootDir Path to workspace. Required
buildProject Path to project directory relative to workspace. Required
outputDir Output directory where .jar files will be copied. Required.
bndFile bnd.bnd, another .bnd file, or a .bndrun file. Required.
allowSnapshots True or false.
If false, configured repositories for this .bnd file are consulted for all runtime dependencies. Dependencies are copied into outputdir.
If true, all projects in workspace are scanned for generated directories with .jar files in them. Projects ending in .test are skipped. The .jar files found are copied into output directory before those found in configured repositories.
Optional. Default is false.


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