Multi project build order - bndtools/bnd GitHub Wiki

When you build a bnd project in ant the dependencies are built first. This explains how the ordered set of dependencies is computed.

First of all, you can explicitly specify projects to build with


Second, you can supply one or more DependencyContributor bnd plugins to modify this set, for instance;prop1=value1,prop2=value2

The DependencyContributor is given the current project and the depends set (modified by previous DependencyContributors)

For instance, it's easy to write a DependencyContributor that adds all projects in the workspace, for a "build-all" project.

Third, you have specified the bundles your project depends on with the


When a bsn is from a project in the workspace, it is added.

Now we know the direct dependencies for the "current" project. The set of ordered transitive dependencies is calculated by a simple tree traversal of these projects, skipping duplicates. This results in an ordered set of projects in a suitable order to build in.

The code for this is in Project.prepare (computing the direct dependencies) and Project.traverse (computing the transitive dependencies).