Xiaomi Redmi K30 5G K30i 5G - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

[Redmi K30 5G] - [picasso]

Although this device is A-only, you have to choose GSI for A/B devices because this device is "system-as-root".

Tested images

√AOSP 10.0 v219

Flashing instructions (Credits phhusson and Akito)

  • Make sure to have the latest platform-tools installed.

  • Install Xiaomi OEM Android driver(Google's newest ones don't work under fastbootd) at https://developer.android.com/studio/run/oem-usb#Drivers: delete all .cat file, disable Windows driver signature enforcement (since the driver is much too old), right click on the .inf file and click install. Ignore the warning and continue.

  • Retrive vbmeta.img and recovery.img from official packages.

  • Reboot to bootloader:

adb reboot bootloader
  • Flash vbmeta with
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
  • Flash stock recovery if using wzsx150's unofficial TWRP
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
  • Reboot to fastbootd
fastboot reboot fastboot
  • Check device status with fastboot devices. Linux may run into problem with udev, and I wrote
$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/20-k30.rules
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0000", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

and reboot to fix the permission issue. Windows users may need to install driver manually.

  • Flash you downloaded gsi system.img with
fastboot flash system gsi-system.img

If system partition doesn't exist, go back to "Reboot to fastbootd".

  • Wipe data
fastboot -w
  • Reboot phone
fastboot reboot
  • Enjoy!

Hardware support (Referred from Redmi K20 Pro)

Component Comment
Camera √? (Front and rear cameras work, need to test more lenses)
Audio √x (Need to disable audiofx, speaker and microphone is working, 3.5mm audio jack needs flag of using alternative audio policy, bt audio is not working)
Bluetooth √x (Bluetooth keyboard works fine, Audio not working.)
Display √ (120fps needs unlock)
WiFi / Hotspot
SIM / Mobile Data / Voice √× Dual Sims works, 5G data works, call and messages might be an issue.
VoLTE x (No option present)
LED x (Not Working)
Fingerprint √× (Works, Glitched with vanilla kernel, register fp as input event, can be fixed with flashing kernel)
NFC ? (Not tested)
Offline Charging ? (Not tested)

Additional Note


This wiki page is referred from Xiaomi Redmi K30 Pro (lmi) page by @lulujyc as this device have a lot of things in common with in.

Redmi K30 5G Tested By:

R-L-T-Y @ picasso_images_V11.1.25.0.QGICNXM_20200511.0000.00_10.0_cn

Template created by @zguithues and @hackintosh5

Driver instructions by @peter17ji