Xiaomi Redmi 7 Y3 (India) - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

Xiaomi Redmi 7 (Codename "onc")

Works with selinux=permissive, VoLTE untested, all other hardware works.

Steps to install

1. Unlock bootloader

Using the Xiami tool or Penn5's tool

2. Flash stock rom V11.0.2.0.PFLMIXM_20191022

(index of ROMs)

Not sure if you need this, but this is what worked for me.

Note: I've made sure the device is not rebooting after this step by uncommenting "fastboot reboot" in the second last line of "flash_all.sh" below. This enables the GSI ROM to run the device encryption.

$ wget https://bigota.d.miui.com/V11.0.2.0.PFLMIXM/onclite_global_images_V11.0.2.0.PFLMIXM_20191022.0000.00_9.0_global_b0cd3cab92.tgz
$ tar -xzvf onclite_global_images_V11.0.2.0.PFLMIXM_20191022.0000.00_9.0_global_b0cd3cab92.tgz
$ cd onclite_global_images_V11.0.2.0.PFLMIXM_20191022.0000.00_9.0_global
$ cat ./flash_all.sh | sed "s/fastboot reboot/#fastboot reboot/g" > flash_all_no_reboot.sh
$ chmod u+x ./flash_all_no_reboot.sh
$ ./flash_all_no_reboot.sh

3. Flash vbmeta with disable verity

This was necessary because otherwise the boot img halted with a dm-verity exception and the device was stuck in a boot loop.

Note: Flashing with --disable-verity AND --disable-verification did NOT enable the device to boot (stuck in bootloader). Flashing with --disable-verity ONLY worked for me.

$ fastboot flash --disable-verity vbmeta images/vbmeta.img

4. Modify stock boot.img to make "androidboot.selinux=permissive"

This was necessary because the the GSI ROM I used got stuck while booting with selinux exceptions in adb logcat.

The following commands basically add "androidboot.selinux=permissive" to the end of the kernel cmdline in boot img.

$ cp images/boot.img stock-boot-with-bootarg-permissive.img
$ echo "6d6dd34f63ab42785186e01ca036a751  stock-boot-with-bootarg-permissive.img" | md5sum -c
$ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then echo "MD5 checksum of input boot.img not as expected"; fi
$ printf " androidboot.selinux=permissive" | dd if=/dev/stdin of=stock-boot-with-bootarg-permissive.img obs=1 seek=388 conv=notrunc
$ echo "be80a5217ebe846c1e547c14092c4efe  stock-boot-with-bootarg-permissive.img" | md5sum -c
$ if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then echo "MD5 checksum of patched boot.img is OK - patching successful"; fi

If the above patching is successful (you should see the "patching successful message"), you need to flash the result:

$ fastboot flash boot stock-boot-with-bootarg-permissive.img

5. Flash the GSI system image (I've used the current Ressurection Remix GSI)

$ fastboot flash system ARM64_AB_20191205.img

6. Reboot the device

$ fastboot reboot

7. Resize filesystem

In Recovery, resize the Data and System filesystems.


Flashing OpenGApps with official TWRP twrp-3.3.1-1-onclite doesn't work, it fails with error 64. Unofficial version TWRP-Redmi7-LRTeam.img works (mirror, md5 51237373ab26b3057124b3d03bc93f7a, sha256 5cabff51556b2c141b894c8612c347ac7a83be476ad0e77dbbe93d2a943e98b0).

8. Video recording fix

To make video recording work, add media.camera.ts.monotonic=0 to /vendor/build.prop


Hardware support

Component Comment
Camera works
Speaker / Mic works
Bluetooth works
WiFi works
SIM / Mobile Data / Voice works
VoLTE untested
Fingerprint works
NFC not present
Offline Charging works

Tested By: @SebastianApel - xiaomi/onc_eea/onc:9/PKQ1.181021.001/V10.2.8.0.PFLEUXM - 2019-07-24

Template created by @zguithues and @hackintosh5