Release checklist - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki
Rebuild treble_app (
), copy signed apk (./app.apk) to vendor_hardware_overlay/pie -
Rebase -i vendor_hardware_overlay:pie on top of vendor_hardware_overlay:master
For all repos in .repo/local_manifests/replace.xml; rebase branches:
git fetch aosp --tags && git fetch aosp && git fetch aosp android-9.0.0_r35 && git checkout -b android-9.0.0_r35-phh && git rebase -i android-9.0.0_r35 && git push phh android-9.0.0_r35-phh
Edit local_manifests/replace.xml to switch all branches to the new tag version
Edit treble_experimentations/ to update to new tag version
git config --global 'Pierre-Hugues Husson'
git config --global [email protected]
git config --global color.ui auto
dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential imagemagick xorriso locales openjdk-8-jdk python git m4 unzip bison zip gperf libxml2-utils zlib1g:i386 libstdc++6:i386 bc curl lzop lzip lunzip squashfs-tools sudo repo xmlstarlet python-pip python3-pip
git clone
edit treble_experimentations/ for:
repo sync -j1
torepo sync -j12
make -j8
tomake -j64
Create treble_experimentations/release/config.ini with: