Razer Phone - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki
[Razer Phone] - [cheryl]
Hardware Support
- Camera:
Works properly for 1 lens - Porting original Razer Camera unsuccesful
- Speaker / Microphone
- Bluetooth
- Wifi
SIM / Mobile Data / Voice
Not tested
- Fingerprint Reader
Additional Notes
Your device may lose the active partition status from time to time after several reboots or just by turning it off and on, several times. Te device will appear in "Download mode" and won't get out of it. To fix it, type in a fastboot terminal:
fastboot set_active a
and fastboot reboot
That will fix it.
Tested By:
- Sergio (linuxct) @ Razer Oreo DP1 @ 29/03/2018
Template created by @zguithues