ROM Development: Implementing OTA - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

Phh-GSI includes support for seamless A/B upgrade, for all devices using dynamic partition.

Known flaws of this mechanism:

  • It uses space definitely on /data. At the time of writing, it requires 4GB in /data per slot. Secondary slot is removed as soon as new slot is booted, so the average space consumption is 4GB, peak space consumption is 8GB.
  • It is custom-made, it doesn't match other OTA methods made by Android
  • No delta OTA
  • No error detection. Meaning that if new slot doesn't boot, there is no way to fallback to previous slot

To use it, you need:

  • https-accessible JSON describing current latest version, dubbed ota.json
  • https-accessible xz-compressed unsparsed images
  • Set ro.system.ota.json_url property to ota.json

About ota.json:

  • The https request doesn't contain any metadata (version, device name or anything)
  • Its format is like this:
    "version": "v400.h",
    "date": "1644083319",
    "variants": [
            "name": "treble_arm64_bvS",
            "size": 0,
            "url": ""

Description of the fields using jq naming.

  • '.version' => This is what will be displayed as new version to the user. This is a "user-friendly version name"
  • '.date' => If is smaller than '.date', then the UI will show that there is an update available. Please note that - will vary from one build to the other, so from one flavor to the other, so you need to pick the lowest value for all the flavors (or take a date +%s before making your release)
  • '.variants[0].name' => This is '' (minus -user -userdebug) + -secure if /system/phh/secure + -vndklite if not secure and is vndklite
  • '.variants[0].size' => This is what is displayed to the user as the size
  • .variants[0].url' => https-accessible direct download link to unsparsed xz-compressed image