Nokia 6.1 6 (2018) - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki
Hardware Support
- Boot: Ok
- Partitions (Data) : Ext4 supported
- Bluetooth: Ok
- WiFi: Ok
- Hotspot: Ok
- RIL - Phone - Data: Ok
- GPS: Ok
- Camera: Ok
- Camcorder: Ok [No 4K video recording support]
- MicroSD: Ok
- Accelerometer: Ok
- Compass: Ok
- Gyroscope: Ok
- AOSP sensors: Ok
- Touchscreen: Ok
- FM Radio: Unavailable
- Fingerprint: Ok [Fingerprint data gets lost on reboot on pre-Q firmware due to enforcing SELinux]
- Vibrator: Ok
- Microphone: Ok
- Audio & music: OK on Pre-Q firmware [No Audio from Notifications and Ringtones on Q firmware]
- Bluetooth audio: Broken
- Kernel: Ok
- Graphics: Ok
- 3D Rendering: Ok
- Clock: Ok
- DRM: Ok
- Offline Charging: Ok [Broken on pre-Q firmware due to init script changes required since Q]
- USB: Ok
- Encryption : Ok
- SEPolicies: Enforcing
- NFC: Ok [Payment apps doesn't work]
Additional Notes
This device uses AVB. Therefore, either a kernel with it disabled or a disabled vbmetaimage must be flashed to make the GSI images boot.
All Nokia SDM660 based devices utilize the same kernel and vendor (almost). Kernel sources are available at Official Website.
TWRP is available at XDA.
Tested by
superium @ Nokia 6.1 @ 2018-06-30
AOSP 10: * Calyx Hikari (HikariCalyx) @ Nokia 6.1 TA-1050 00WW_4_060 (PL2-4060-0-00WW-B01) @ 05/11/2019
Template created by @zguithues