Microsoft Lumia 950 XL - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

[Microsoft Lumia 950 XL] - [cityman]

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL is a Windows Phone device originally, but @konraddybcio ported android for it. Right now it's still under experimental stage and most of functionalities are unusable.

Steps to install


Known issues

Too many issues.

Hardware support

Component Comment
Camera ×
Speaker / Mic ×
Bluetooth ×
WiFi ×
SIM / Mobile Data / Voice ×
Offline Charging ×
Qi Wireless Charging ×

Tested By:

AOSP 11: * Calyx Hikari (HikariCalyx) @ Microsoft Lumia 950 XL RM-1116 @ 2/4/2021