How to create an overlay? - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

First of all

This guide is made for devices providing Treble with stock vendor. For devices with only unofficial implementation, cooperate directly with the unofficial vendor provider.

Set up a Linux machine – it may be the newest Ubuntu or Mint. If you aren't planning to run it alongside Windows, use a virtual machine, for example VirtualBox, or build with Jenkins.

Make overlay

Install apktool by following its guide. If there's a framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk, FrameworksResCommon.apk (or something like that) overlay on your device in /vendor/overlay directory, copy it to your PC. If there's nothing like that (try searching for everything with framework and .apk in the name), install your stock system (or extract it on PC) and copy the system/framework/framework-res.apk file. Whatever you found, decompile it by apktool.

Install git if you don't have it by: sudo apt install git

On your desktop, open up the terminal, write: git clone

Find your brand or create its directory, create a directory with your device's official name inside it. Copy some other device's and replace in it: LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := treble-overlay-brand-device

On your device, in adb or Termux app use this command: getprop

On PC, copy AndroidManifest.xml and replace in it:



Where brand and device for property value is what you got from that getprop command.

Then inside your device's directory, create a res folder and copy inside the xml folder (if exists) from apk decompiled by apktool. Then inside the res, also copy the values folder. Inside it, delete every file which isn't called arrays, bools, integers, strings (.xml).

Build with your own PC

Install xmlstarlet if you don't have it by: sudo apt install xmlstarlet Then go into vendor_hardware_overlay/tests, open terminal and run: bash

As a result, you'll get a recommended priority level which you should replace in your AndroidManifest.xml. Inside the of main directory add your LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME, in the alphabetic order.

Then if you want (but you should), go into vendor_hardware_overlay/build/ and run: bash It'll build you an overlay which you should put in /system/product/overlay/ on your device.

Build with Jenkins

Before building, you should push your commit into Github first.

Install xmlstarlet on your remote server if you don't have it by: sudo apt install xmlstarlet

Set a new job in Jenkins (Freestyle project is OK)

Navigate to General section, click ADVANCED..., then make Use custom workspace checked.

Then set a path (what you like, e.g: /tmp/overlay) into Directory field.

Navigate to Build section, click ADD BUILD STEP, then select Execute shell.

Copy following codes into Command field:


git clone
cd vendor_hardware_overlay
git checkout master
cd build
chmod u+x ./
cd ../tests
chmod u+x

After that, navigate to Post-build Actions, click ADD POST-BUILD ACTION, then select Archive the artifacts.

Input vendor_hardware_overlay/build/*.apk into Files to archive field.

Click ADD POST-BUILD ACTION again, then select Delete workspace when build is done.

Finally, Click Save, and click Build Now.

(Don't forget to view Console Output, it will show errors here.)

If build succeeded, you can see there's a link named Last Successful Artifacts.

Then click (all files in zip) to download your overlay files.

Push to Github

On GitHub, create an account and fork the original repo by phhusson. Open up terminal in vendor_hardware_overlay, then type:

git add --all

git commit -m "Add overlay for yourdevicenamehere"

git remote add myrepo

git push myrepo master

Then use pull request function on GitHub and apply to tips and guidance by people commenting :)

If you do extra changes, repeat:

git commit -m "Your change description"

git push myrepo master

If you create a messy pile of commits or your git "stops working", copy your changes somewhere else, clone original (phhusson) repo again, paste your changes into the newly downloaded one and force push them by: git add --all

git commit -m "Add overlay for yourdevicenamehere"

git remote add myrepo

and: git push -f myrepo master