Common Issues and fixes - bluehomewu/treble_experimentations GitHub Wiki

This sub-page is highly dependant on user contributions based on their experiences

This sub page gives many fixes within phh settings which can be located in settings

1. can't listen to anything on phone calls

Possible solutions:

1. Try disabling a2dp overload from phh settings in settings and reboot

2. Maximum brightness is too low

Possible solutions:

1. Enable alternate backlight scale and linear in phh settings

3. Wired headphones not getting detected

Possible solutions:

1. Enable alternative headphones detection in phh settings and reboot
2. adb shell setprop persist.sys.overlay.devinputjack true

4. Fingerprint sensor not getting detected

Possible solutions:

1. adb shell setprop persist.sys.phh.fingerprint.nocleanup true

5. High refresh rate not working

Possible solutions

1. Check force refresh rate option in phh settings

(Method 2 tested only on some oppo/realme/oneplus, do with caution)
2. adb shell -c service call SurfaceFlinger 1035 i32 0

5. Bluetooth connecting to device and then disconnecting

Possible solutions

  1. Try Disabling a2dp overload in PHH settings

6. Always On display Not working

Possible solutions

  1. Enable Force always on display in phh settings misc reboot go to lock screen settings in display settings scroll down and check if always on display can be configured

7. Bluetooth Crashing Systemui

  1. disable media recommendations under Sound & Vibration > Media > Show media recommendations