start sprint1 plan - blucas6/BudgetBuddy GitHub Wiki
Sprint 1 Objectives
Start Date: 10/01/2024
End Date: 10/15/2024
Sprint Goal:
The primary goal for Sprint 1 is to build the core structure of the app, with a focus on the initial functionality, database setup, and user interface.
Major Features and Objectives for Sprint 1:
- Develop basic functionality for transaction handling (Ben).
- Adding transactions.
- Viewing transactions.
- Develop basic functionality for transaction handling (Ben).
Database Setup:
- Set up the database schema for handling user transactions and accounts (Deep, Jash).
- Define database schema.
- Integrate schema with Flutter app.
- Set up the database schema for handling user transactions and accounts (Deep, Jash).
UI/UX Design:
- Design and implement the home screen UI, including navigation (Kriza, Shi).
- Create home screen layout.
- Implement 50/30/20 budget chart.
- Add navigation to other screens (Transactions, Budget, Profile).
- Design and implement the home screen UI, including navigation (Kriza, Shi).
Team Member Responsibilities:
Ben (Functionality):
- Focus on implementing transaction handling (add/view transactions).
Deep (Database):
- Design the database schema and work with Jash on its integration.
Jash (Database):
- Assist in designing the database schema and help with integration into the app.
Kriza (UI/UX):
- Work on the home screen UI design and implementation, including layout and budget chart.
Shi (UI/UX):
- Assist Kriza in designing and testing the home screen, and help implement navigation.
Acceptance Criteria:
Transaction Handling (Functionality):
- Users can add and view transactions.
Database Setup:
- Database schema is designed and connected to the app.
UI/UX Design:
- Home screen is functional with the 50/30/20 budget chart and navigation is working.
Estimated Effort:
- Transaction Handling: 8 story points
- Database Setup: 10 story points
- UI/UX Design: 8 story points