mid sprint3 status - blucas6/BudgetBuddy GitHub Wiki

Project Status Update

Mid of Sprint 3

Date: 11/5/2024

Major Project Feature Summary:

Major Project Feature % completed to date

Feature Status Completion Percentage
New Account Button 🟢 100%
Application Config Setup 🟢 100%
Upload File on Account Creation 🟢 100%
Identify Account Type from File 🟢 100%
Finish CRUD for DB 🟢 100%
Monthly Pie Chart Widget 🟢 100%
Yearly Bar Graph Widget 🟡 50%
Transaction List Widget 🟢 100%
Make transaction widget sort option 🟢 100%
Transaction widget rows scrollable 🟢 100%
Enhanced Transaction Widget 🟢 100%
Implement unit testing 🔴 10%
Database is created on first use 🟢 100%
Load transactions from file 🟡 50%
View transactions by month 🔴 0%
Implement unit testing into pipeline 🔴 0%

Current Project Status: AMBER

The project is moving along but at the current pace it will not accomplish all the necessary features and milestones. Next sprint will need more effort.

Team Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Start unit testing and implement it into the automated build
  • Start using data from an uploaded transaction sheet to populate the graph widgets

Individual Team Member Status:

  • Ben: Re-designed the transaction list widget to look nicer and scroll only the rows so the header remains visible. Set up database to use data structures for all transactions. Set up data structure for transaction data. Started work on getting all widgets reacting to database data. This coming week: Set up callbacks for filtering and populating widget data.

  • Jash: Worked on enhancing the account bar. This coming week: Create configurable app color scheme.

  • Joseph: Worked on displaying the yearly view widget. This coming week: Enhance the monthly pie chart with animations.

  • Kriza: Started looking into unit testing. This coming week: Create some functional unit tests.

Team activities:

  • Working group meeting 11/4/2024 all except Jash

Team Project Decisions:

  • Meeting twice a week is beneficial

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