end sprint4 status - blucas6/BudgetBuddy GitHub Wiki

Project Status Update

End of Sprint 4

Date: 12/03/2024

Major Project Feature Summary:

Major Project Feature % Completed to Date

Feature Status Completion Percentage
New Account Button 🟢 100%
Application Config Setup 🟢 100%
Upload File on Account Creation 🟢 100%
Identify Account Type from File 🟢 100%
Finish CRUD for DB 🟢 100%
Monthly Pie Chart Widget 🟢 100%
Transaction List Widget 🟢 100%
Make transaction widget sort option 🟢 100%
Transaction widget rows scrollable 🟢 100%
Enhanced Transaction Widget 🟢 100%
Implement unit testing 🟢 100%
Database is created on first use 🟢 100%
Load transactions from file 🟢 100%
View transactions by month 🟢 100%
Implement unit testing into pipeline 🟢 100%
Account deletion 🟢 100%
Yearly Bar Chart 🟢 100%
Implement tagging 🟢 100%
Profile info widget 🟢 100%

Current Project Status: GREEN

The project has been completed with all the key features integrated. Some features such as the credit card rewards tracker and budget goal tracker will have to wait until the next version.

Team Goals for the Upcoming Week:

  • Create a release artifact

Individual Team Member Status:

  • Ben: Finished implementing tagging into the transaction widget. Finished the yearly bar chart widget which responds to tagging. Enhanced graphs with animations. Added a profile widget to give a synopsis of the profile.

  • Deep: Finished the account deletion feature.

  • Jash: Focused on unit testing and progressing with integration into the CI pipeline.

  • Joseph: Worked on the final presentation.

  • Kriza: Tried to finish unit tests.

Team Activities:

  • Group chat discussion throughout the holiday

Team Project Decisions:

  • Prioritize completion of testing tasks to ensure robust functionality
  • Work on enhancing UI for better usability and visual appeal
  • Review and update all documentation by the end of the sprint

Other Comments:

The team has demonstrated strong collaboration and adaptability in addressing challenges this sprint. Continued focus on testing and UI polish will set the project up for a successful sprint conclusion. The efforts put into making the product user-friendly and feature-rich are commendable, and the team is on track to deliver an impactful outcome.