Tutorial: Trajectory planning - bld/SolarSailNavigator GitHub Wiki

In this tutorial, you’ll build an attitude maneuver plan to sail from your current orbit near Kerbin to an orbit that is close to Duna’s. Precise orbital rendezvous isn’t really possible with the plugin yet.

  1. Click “Set to Now” to reset the start time.
  2. Click “Show Preview”.
  3. Click “Add” 3 times so that you have 4 attitude maneuver segments.
  4. Fill out the cone angles, clock angles, and days according to this example solution. Your final orbit won’t be as close as in the example, because your initial orbit and the positions of Kerbin and Duna will be different. The angles in the example are derived from Earth-Mars trajectories of similarly performing sails.
  5. Adjust the “Days” in the different segments to try and improve the final orbit until it overlaps Duna’s as well as you can. Rotate and zoom to look at different parts of the orbit.
  6. Once you are satisfied, time warp to advance along the trajectory. You can switch out of map mode to see how the sail attitude changes in each time segment.
  7. Return to real time at the end of the segment. See how close you got to Duna and its orbit.
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