YellowJacket Buff Skin - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

YellowJacket Buff-Skin

Author: johnrr6

Last Updated: May 22, 2017

In Categories: SMGs

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Description (from inside mod)

YellowJacket Mod ######## Thanks to the_Nocturni, Kazy, and Davespineapple for assistance/advice
Just copy and past this at the beginning of Shadow's UCP

With this Mod, the YellowJacket can now probably be considered one of the very best PlasmaCasters in the game.  A valuable piece and worth the long jaunt up the mountain to farm Jackenstein.
Removed YellowJacket distracting firing mode, Fires like a normal PlasmaCaster now.
Increased Gun damage 33%
Increased mag size by 6
Increased Shock Chance by 6%
Reduced Recoil by 74% (but this has very little effect because the gun still has the Hyperion Gimmick)
Changed Red Text to: "Find em!....  Fix em!.... STING em!"
Completely changed the YellowJacket Skin to be more....."YellowJacketish" and make sense instead of that awful blue.

YellowJacket Buff
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