Vengeance & Mashers - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Kazy
Last Updated: June 25, 2019
In Categories: Pistols
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Vengeance by PulchraMors
Mashers by Aaron0000
Ports to the Infinity and Infinity Double Accessory by Kazy
The Vengeance from Borderlands makes a return, taking the place of the Infinity as the Vladof Legendary Pistol. The Vengeance boasts the following:
• High Fire Rate
• Large Magazine
• A 40% Chance to bypass enemey shields
This weapon can come in any element, and can come with any accessory.
In addition, the original Dva Infinity Double Accessory has been transformed into the Masher accessory.
Mashers have a minor penalty in critical damage.
Hyperion mashers only have x5 projectiles. They are however more accurate.
Maliwan and Torgue mashers only have x6 projectiles, due to already having splash.
Dahl mashers have a longer delay between series of bursts.
Maggie's masher is different than normal mashers. Due to how the double accessory was modified, the Maggie's damage wound up being tripled, so damage was chopped by 66% to return it to normal. Then the pellet count was quadrupled to achieve the same overall damage boost as other mashers.
Unkempt Harold Mashers only have 5 projectiles instead of 7 to keep the damage roughly in line with the standard Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold.
Comes with custom prefixes: Jakobs = Mashin', Hyperion = Teamplay, Torgue = Septuple Penetrating, Bandit = buncha, Maliwan = Septenary, Dahl = Multitude, Tediore = Seven for One, Vladof = Bolshevik.<off>
If using the 88 Fragnum replacer for the Unkempt Harold, there is a patch for it down below to make it function correctly as a Masher.
If using the Community Patch, there is a fix for the Wanderlust to make it mash properly. Located at the bottom.
If using the Revolvers patch, there is a fix for Maggie to make it mash properly. Located at the bottom.
If using the Violator replacer for the Pocket Rocket, there is a patch for it down below to make it function correctly as a Masher.
If using Atlas Reborn, be sure to re-activate the Infinity masher fix line. That, or activate mashers after Atlas Reborn.