VarkidOverhaul - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: LightChaosman

Last Updated: April 05, 2018

In Categories: Enemy Changes

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Description (from inside mod)

Made by LightChaosman
Increases varkid evolution by 25%
Varkids have a 50% chance to skip evolutions.
Varkids have a 50% chance to drop lootpools from higher evolutions, with some scaling to account for - for instance - vermi being harder to kill than an ultimate
These changes apply repeatedly. So varkids can skip one, two, three, ... etc evolutions at once, and drop lootpools from one, two, three,... etc evolutions down the line.
Odds for skipping multiple evolutions naturally decreases with how many are skipped.
The purpose of this mod is to speed up varkid farming, and make it more enjoyable, by
A) making varkids reach ulti or vermi faster
B) by giving lower evolutions a small chance to drop the loot of ultis and vermi
Bonus: Since each varkid has 3 chances to go into a tubby, tubby varkid farming is also faster with this mod.
Does this mean a varkid can go straight from larval to vermi? yes
Does this mean a larval varkid can drop the norfleet? yes...       (like 1 in 820 thousand or so, but yes)
Does this mean we can now get vermi in NVHM? no
But it still means an ultimate can drop a norfleet in NVHM, right? nope
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