Text Formatting Demo - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Text Formatting Demo

Author: apple1417

Last Updated: December 08, 2018

In Categories: Resource Mods

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This guide's going to look at how item or skill descriptions are formatted, and how you can add your own, completely new, custom formats.

The formatting is all based on a stripped down version of html. It's pure html, there's no css/javascript support, and only a very small subset of tags actually do anything. Tags with known effects are:

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

By apple1417
This is an example of how you can setup custom text formats to use whereever your mod might add text
It does this through both inline html and setting up a custom tag
It replaces the red text on the Rapier
Looking at the Rapier with this on will severly lag your game (due to the amount of text showing) so this is not intended for actual use
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