SpiderKid v1 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: VariantLoki
Last Updated: June 29, 2017
In Categories: SMGs
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!!!Caution: This weapon might slightly break the Florentine.
---------------------------- Change Log ----------------------------
v1.1 - Changed the Firing mode because I was a total derp and didn't change it to Etech.
v1 - Initial Release
-------------------- Weapon Information --------------------
Replaces the Lascaux SMG
Meant to represent Marvel's Spiderman (AKA - Peter Parker)
Should be Red rarity
Weapon counts as Non-elemental but creates a shock nova on impact which deals shock damage
Increases your jumping height slightly
Fires Etech projectiles. I wanted it to look like it shoots webs, but everything I tried failed. :(
Fires a 10 round burst when Aiming down sights
Increased magazine size and Accuracy
Slightly increased fire rate and damage
Awesome custom skin!
I reccomend the "Flying" SMG prefix, because you know... Flying Spiderman. But you can use whatever prefix you want. You do you, my friend.
Heres a GIB code if you don't feel like farming for a Lascaux: BL2(hwAAAABZNABB6ANBBIFEcmIpwQKNJQGLChYGLBVY/v8vYxnCYo3l)