Skill System Tweaks - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Skill System Tweaks

Author: Coleby

Last Updated: June 04, 2018

In Categories: Skill System Changes

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Description (from inside mod)

Made by Coleby
Thanks to Apocalyptech for helping with the 2SP/Lv formula
Gain 2 Skill Points instead of 1 and increase some skills' maximum grade to 10
NOTE: Salvador's Inconceivable, I'm the Juggernaut, Yippie Ki Yay, Gaige's Blood-Soaked Shields, Explosive Clap, Shock and AAAGGGGHHH, One Two Boom, The Nth Degree and Robot Rampage, Maya's Subsequence and Krieg's Numbed Nerves and Fuel the Rampage aren't included.
WARNING: Activate this mod before loading your character, because if you don't activate this mod (by accident), you will lose your extra skill points (which can be recovered by simply returning to the main menu and re-executing the Patch file and logging back in)
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