Siren's flame - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Riftedge
Last Updated: August 25, 2018
In Categories: SMGs
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Siren's Flame by Biorespawn 2018.7.20
1. The fireType of this gun is EWWFT_Beam. A beam last for a duration and cause damage at evenly spaced points both in time and distance(when you move). So it gets multiple amp damage bonus like Sandhawk or Harold, but not because of multiple projectile count not listed on card.
2. Because beam last for a duration, this weapon has some sort of Vladof features. As you keep firing the DPS will increase.
3. Differences between two modes.
Beam duration Splash radius Splash damage
ScatterMode 0.5s 350 0.5*weaponDamage
Restriction Mode 0.7s 25 1.25*ampDamage
4. Amp shields compatibility means part of amp bonus when amp shield is depleted.
5. Bee shield, damage comparision with sand hawk.
Restriction 1.1~1.2
Sand Hawk 1.0
Scatter 0.6
Obviously, Restriction is for raid boss fight and Scatter is for normal fight.
6. EWWFT_Beam is an interesting fireType and I found few modders have used this in their guns.