ShockStorm - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki


Author: Dashiku

Last Updated: June 10, 2017

In Categories: SMGs

Download Methods

Link to Mod File
(right click and "Save Link As")
View on Github
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"Download," and then "Save Link As")

Description (from inside mod)

Shock Storm - Replaces the Crit
-Meant to represent Gaige
-Breaks the Commerce

-Always Shock
-Bullets ricochet towards enemies when using gaige (Close Enough)
-Has high damage output but low accuracy (Anarchy)
-Has 0 damage fire splash that can proc fire DoTs (Electrical Burn)
-Has enhanced electrocution DoT chance and damage (More Pep, Wires Don't Talk)

-When playing Gaige shots will ricochet towards enemies. Make sure to apply the patch in game again for this to work

Future plans

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️