Rocket Barrel "Rework" - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Rocket Barrel "Rework"

Author: Kazy

Last Updated: June 25, 2019

In Categories: General, Rocket Launchers

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Description (from inside mod)

by Kazy
Reworks the Vladof, Torgue, and Maliwan barrels, and changes the titles accordingly.
Vladof barrels are now Helix barrels, firing in a rotating 3-rocket pattern.
- Credit to Mike for finding the BL1 helix rocket code for me. It's a more or less direct copy-paste of it.
Torgue barrels are now Burst barrels, firing a full clip (3 rockets) in quick succession.
Maliwan barrels are now Splash barrels, which more or less makes every manufacturer have access to the sexy Maliwan splash on each shot.
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