Revolvers (from Revolvers.txt) TPS - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki
Author: Aaron0000
Last Updated: June 30, 2019
In Categories: General, Pistols
Other mods with the same name:
Revolvers (from Revolvers (JakobsBarrelVersion).txt) - TPS, by Aaron0000
Revolvers - BL2, by Aaron0000
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By Aaron0000
Changes the Jakobs, Maliwan, and Torgue pistols to work similarly to the Revolvers of Borderlands 1.
High damage.
High accuracy.
High critical hit damage
Low fire rate.
Moderately-high recoil.
Consumes 2 ammo per shot (Maliwan consumes 3 per shot.)
Double accessory is turned into a Masher accessory that only "mashes" the Revolvers, and is a normal Double accessory otherwise.
Thanks to Koby (modified code) and Hemaxhu (original code), Jakobs pistols have an option to adjust their animations, instead of fanning the hammer.