Proper Weapon Bodies - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Proper Weapon Bodies

Author: PsychoPatate

Last Updated: December 17, 2018

In Categories: Weapon and Gear Visuals

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Link to Mod File
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Why does green Bandit shotguns and pistols appear to have bigger mag than blue weapons ? That doesn't make sense to me, so this mod fixes that.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Proper Weapon Bodies V.1.2 (17/12/18) by PsychoPatate

This description assumes that you already read the readme of the mod from github.

This mod only changes the APPEARANCE of weapons, no actual stats are affected

About green and blue bodies :
By default, this mod only changes pistols (not Tediore ones) and shotguns bodies.
The other weapon types are named as "Not recommended",
not because it will break things, but because it doesn't look good.
Image here :

About unique bodies :
Some weapons have unique bodies, that means we can change them !
By default, this mod changes the body of some weapons so it matches their rarity.
But you can put whatever body variation that you want, or leave unchecked for default look.
Image comparison here :


V.1.2 (17/12/18)

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️