Plasma Caster Dahl Prototype SX 1 v1.0.1 - blcm/modcabinet GitHub Wiki

Plasma Caster Dahl Prototype SX-1 v1.0.1

Author: Astor

Last Updated: November 27, 2018

In Categories: SMGs

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After the commercial failure of the Discord Solver, a rogue engineer at Dahl took the plans and secretly worked on the realization of a Plasma Caster capable of firing explosive projectiles Gyrojet coated in a plasma ball.

The prototype was really a powerful and dangerous weapon, except that the plasma ball will only explose when in contact with a enemy and the missed shots disintegrate instantly -without exploding!- in a tiny cloud of pink smoke.

Remorseful of his dishonest activity, he decided to get rid of his prototype forever by submerged it in a shallow pool in a cave in Frostburn Canyon.

This is where you can find it....

Prototype SX-1 - Where to find it

Note: If you are too lazy to walk to Frostburn Canyon, you will find the Gibbed Codes below.

View whole README on Github

Description (from inside mod)

Mod author: Astor
Release Date: 01 October 2018
Version: 1.0.1 - See ReadMe for Changelog ;)
Replace Unique SMG Dahl Lascaux
Plasma Caster Dahl which fires Pocket Rocket GyroJet explosive E-Tech plasma projectile.
!\ This Mod uses attributes from the Pocket Rocket. Any mod that changes it will affect this mod. /!\
!\ If the weapon don't work as intended, revert the modification done previously to the Pocket Rocket. /!\
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️